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22nd to 23rd July’ 2000

Today we embark on a journey, not just any journey, but a sentimental one. A journey which will glorify us as part of the sim’s history. This is our time! We must step up to take part in the glory that is OURS! Forever we shall be remembered as PIONEERS, PARTICIPANTS of the spectacle that is known as “ THE EQUINC’S ”.

6:30pm Pacific time, our party assembles in California to collect the Torch which we must guard and carry as part of our glory, and take it back to Nevada as a spectacle for all our citizens to experience the pride, the sentiment which that flame bares.

What a place!! Never before have I seen such diversity all over an entire state. The welcoming committee of California was extremely generous (we of course were cautious, after all California will more than likely be our greatest rivals on Equinic’s day). They insisted to take us on a tour of their home. We accepted after all who would give up an opportunity for free food and drink??? It started off in San Francisco, after taking a trolley ride down the main streets, we entered a disco, where we witnessed a drag competition, indeed it was no shock to us after all we have LAS VEAGS. Later we then slipped into our surf gear and went to the beach. As Nevada residents, the desert is our all we ever see, and I must say the waves were a most remarkable experience. Later on that night we had a night out in Hollywood. CELEBRITIES all over the place!! Let me tell you guys from this experience, celebrities don’t look as good in real, you realise they are just people with good looks, but they aren’t flawless looking like you might think.

After saying our good-byes and thanks we launched our excursion, we loaded the horses with some supplies and took our turns holding the torch as we traveled the highways on our way to Nevada.


Monday morning was beautiful, the cool summer air had such a profound effect on our spirits. We felt so in control. People lined the streets to see us passing, cheering us on. More and more we begin to realise the symbolism of this entire ceremony. I wish that all our participants in the Equinics could be part of this journey, perhaps by realising the pride behind it, they would perform to the best of their ability.

The morning passed by and things began to heat up, the crowds of supporters non existent at this point. We ventured further away from the main cities of California and into the desert. I can see the heat was having a profound effect on the horses. We wanted to ensure their safety and best of health at all times. After midday, the heat began to be unbearable, after all it is desert. We had to plan and plan fast. It was decided we would stop at the next quick shop as soon as possible to get a water/bathroom break. Johngcozie was carrying a tourist map on him, so he checked it out. What luck, the next Quick Shop is 70 miles away, I’m sure not even Saddle Dedicate would have made that one. Some of the group was panicking, the horses were clearly covered in a foamy sweat, and their spirits low, heads down. I refused to let it discourage me.

Holding that torch of fire in a desert became unbearable. But we did it anyway, it was our duty and we weren’t ready to give up so easily. I had to take some initiative, after all I am the track manager, I have the responsibility on my shoulders. I took out my cell phone, the batteries were low, after all we’ve been on the road 2 days now. The reception wasn’t so good, but I managed to get in Contact with the Governor of Nevada. He was relieved to hear from us, the TV coverage had stopped since the last California City. He took command, he organised a water truck and supply truck to meet us along the way. It wouldn’t be for a next hour though, but I felt confident we would make it.

Everyone was so hungry, all I heard were complaints from all over the place. I could only imagine how the horses were feeling, since they couldn’t complain (at least vocally). When heat gets to you, you really understand the concept of a mirage.

All of a sudden one of the horses jumped up, it knocked off the rider, immediately we halted. The rider seemed ok, a bit short of breath, but ok. We discovered that the horse must have lost a shoe along the way and the hot concrete road had done some damage to his foot. It looked like he wasn’t going to finish the journey. We slowed down the pace to a walk. Within 30 minutes, we saw the trucks heading our way. Sighs of relief filled the air. Water is a priceless thing, and moments like these just reinforce that fact. Our faces red and dark from the sun, lips chapped. I felt like a wreck, but I wasn’t ready to give up. We decided the trucks would come along with us, in our trail.

Overall it was a testy day, but our instinct and mere will is still there and I know we aren’t gonna give up. NEVADA IS NO QUITTER.

28/7/2000 10 PM

After much deliberation we finally walk through the streets of Las Vegas. Oh!! What a spectacle it is indeed, the lights dazzling beyond any earthly comparison. A rainbow of colors which ironically is representative of the people of our fine state. People line the streets, as we pass down the main streets, every Neon sign in town is hailing and acknowledging us. Mcjonny Nevada’s track manager addresses us on a podium outside MGM Grand. “Let this be the a stepping stone for all Nevada residents, an opportunity to show the might and power of Nevada. Do not underestimate us, If there is one thing we know how to do in Nevada, it is to take a gamble, and the world better watch out, the stakes are high, and we shall be going all out.” The stars of Nevada are then paraded through the streets, leading the bunch is ‘Fit Groom, ‘Rusty Deputy’ and ‘Biagi’s Wrangler’.

Our task is complete finally we can get some much-deserved rest. The torch is secured at the center of the parade ring of Silver Springs Park, waiting for its collection after races Saturday.

As we reflect back on those moments which made this journey so sentimental, one cant help but feel a sense of accomplishment. GO NEVADA!


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