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The New York Boys Escort Torch to the

Big Apple

News: New York



I can't believe the Boss actually went to Delaware to personally pick up a pay out.  It must have something to do with that crazy torch he has had Ronnie guarding since we picked it up.  Well, its back to the New Jersey Turnpike for us as we head back north to home and the Big Apple.  Wait a minute, my cell phone is ringing, it's Ace and she says the Boss wants to stop in Atlantic City for a little R n R.  I call ahead and arrange a floor of rooms for us at Trump's joint and have all the suites prepared for the Boss and our crew.  I wonder if we should let the Jersey and Philly gangs know we are in town, but screw that and them, we are the top dogs and don't need anyone's permission.

 We get settled in and head to the casino for a little action and Thechef gets left behind to watch the torch, which doesn't bother him, he is going to grill a steak for himself over the flame and have one of the working girls come up to the room for a little tête-à-tête.  After the Boss loses the dough he picked up in Delaware at the craps table, we head back to the rooms.  When we get there, Thechef is out cold and the rooms were ransacked and the torch was gone.  When Thechef comes around, the Boss is furious and wants to know what went down.  Thechef tells us how he cooked his stake and had some Swedish broad up for a little dalliance and having a drink with her was the last thing he remembers.  The Boss is furious and is almost ready to put Thechef in the Atlantic Ocean wearing horseshoes around his neck, arms, legs and anywhere else so he won't float up, when he suddenly looks at Ronnie and asks if he knows any good looking Swede chicks here.  Ronnie starts to do the homina, homina, homina and the Boss sends the 22stable crew down to check who is registered in the hotel or who may have just checked out.  They report back that the Swedish Racing delegation had just checked out and left for New York on their U.S. tour.  The Boss is irate and things aren't going too well for Ronnie.  "That damn Viking crew just lifted the torch from us and we want to know where your brothers are headed" the Boss says to Ronnie.  Kronprinse is so scared he almost wets his pants, but says he doesn't know why the Viking crew did this and he had nothing to do with it.  His loyalties are to the New York gang and he would never betray the "omerta".  "Well if we don't get that torch back pronto, we are going to douse you in gasoline and use you for the torch," says the Boss.

We all get back to the limos and skip our hotel bill, hell, the Donald can afford it, besides he owes the Boss some big favors from the help the Boss gave him with the construction union.  We get back on the road and I call the Jersey guys at the Bada-Bing to call in a marker and get the Jersey gang to help find the Vikings before they hit the Big Apple. In about an hour my cell rings and it's Tony S. from the Jersey gang and he tells us that the Vikings have a flat tire and are in a rest stop about 20 miles from us. 

The drivers hit the pedals and we are pulling into the rest stop just as they finish changing their tire.  We all get out, packing some serious heat and get the drop on the Swedes.  It wasn't difficult considering they had been celebrating with Akavit since leaving Atlantic City and probably shouldn't be driving anyway.  Rkeough searches the van and finds the torch, meanwhile the Boss is questioning the Viking crew.  They tell us that they had planned an international incident with the torch and were going to fake finding it to be big heroes but on their last attempt, the California delegation outwitted them when they lost their tail on Whirlwind and TS and were just waiting for the right time.

 These guys are such arch-criminals they had even set up their brother Ronnie to take the fall and all the blame. Ronnie begs the Boss to let him decide their punishment for using him like a chump and setting him up for the fall.  The Boss smiles and feeling better about Ronnie's allegiances, he tells him to be diabolic in his punishment. Ronnie makes a quick call and comes back and tells Jahskunk to tie them to the seats in the van and take them to Florida and hand them over to his friends, Shelmo and Marky.  He tells the Boss that since the Vikings want to see the world so badly, Shelmo and Marky are going to take them to Disney World and tie them down in the boats and force them to go through the It's A Small World ride for 120 consecutive hours without stopping and then we'll see how they like their little international tour. The Boss decides we should celebrate and  stop in Little Italy for the Feast of San Genero and have some real Italian food and also to pay our respects to the old dons in the old neighborhood.


Jeff Carlson New York Racing Senior Editor is  covering this assignment.


the saga continues....