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Iowa Race Track - August 19

The Tar Heels ventured to Iowa to attempt to pick up the Equinics torch from those Hawkeyes. It was a bit of rough going early when Rob Gomm, who was busy telling bonk about how Shin Shocking would destroy the Equinics field, accidentally ran into a corn field. It took ace of the galeno stable over 2 hours to find him! You'd think that Ace could do it more quickly seeing how she is from the state that is nothing but cornfields, Nebraska. Why here darn college is even named after corn!! Once we reached the Iowan track, Snowchief gave us a lesson about putting in proper HTML tags. Larry of the pacer stable paid close attention as he is always seeking to improve the incredible Irish track site. Finally we sent the always-elusive Crook up to retrieve the torch, and we head back home!

Somewhere in Illinois - August 20

Well here we are in Illinois, I think we made a mistake putting labreche in charge of directions. Now, the man surely can keep stats, but I think we should have put Ms. Labreche, tidy2 in charge from now on. Somehow we ended up in downtown Chicago, where a mysterious visitor from the west start going through our things. The bouncers for the group, Oliver of the Just40 stable, and Derek of the dare2dream stable demanded to know what he was doing. The stranger quickly announced that he was looking for Casey, who he claims had stolen his horse Boomer's Canoes. We told him we didn't know anything about it, but he might want to ask the people back in his home state. Anyways, we are making good progress, but we have to stop by Ohio to Emit's farm where we can pick up the go-go juice for our Equinics horses.

Emit's farm, Ohio - August 21

We were welcomed by Chris of the emit stable, at his farm. We designated duanecrisp and sunairfarms to carry our "materials" back to North Carolina. Suspiciously, mel and jeffframe were seen stashing several extra bottles…. Hmm, maybe we're on to something! I don't know for sure but annieb quickly shushed us when we inquired. Nah, I think it must just be good placement. We quickly left the Buckeye state after picking up our supplies.

Churchill Downs, Louisville, Kentucky - August 22

After leaving the home state of needleman, we proceed to the birthplace of the sim, Louisville, KY, to visit Churchill Downs. Mike Wallace, the creator of this great game, greeted us. Mike took us for a walk around the track, where we visited banshee, who lives in the state. Then it happened…. we heard Nora, of the opinora stable, scream and point. We all quickly looked towards the way she was pointing. It seemed that Case, of the ck2stable, has gotten stuck in the starting gate! He was attempting to brag to ace I think, I mean, who could resist? (Cadet, do not answer that!). Quickly we all tried to free him from the confines. Todd, of the quality stables ran to get the track personal to free him. Dean (dixiefly) comforted the distraught Nora. Ace, who seemingly caused this mess was too busy picking on cadet to pay much attention. Then, suddenly, out of nowhere, Tancio appeared. He quickly pressed a few buttons and Casey shot out of the gate. He was to the eighth pole before he realized he wasn't on a horse. Ed Rick was quick to handicap the race too. After he was patched up, we headed to the Old Dominion.

Virginia - August 23

We spend the day taking a quick trip across Virginia before we would reach Tennessee the next day. As soon as we entered the state, Cadet asked the all-knowing Labreche why the state was called Virginia. Mike attempted to explain the story of the Virgin queen to Cadet, but the idea was quickly lost on him. Tina, Ms. Labreche, bought some him some fireworks to quiet him. If you know cadet you would know this didn't work. DC launched into a story of racing in the Northwest and that finally quieted cadet down.

Hicksville, Tennessee - August 24

We entered Tennessee on the insistence of ace, who wanted to take a pilgrimage to Memphis to see Grace land. We had no plans on doing this, but she promised free food if we went, so we pretended to go. About halfway there, ace declared we should stop to see her husband. Husband!?! We all inquired. Ace said that she had met a new friend, but the rumor is that she ordered him through a catalog. The obviously disappointed Casey watched in horror, as did ace, as the 6'0, 475 pound, 2 tooth man came out to welcome Ace. Then we looked, and the ace rocket was gone.

North Carolina - August 25

Tired and homesick, we made it back to the Tar Heel state, where we stopped by Raleigh to visit eddieo and his star, Enough Knock, who was busy preparing for the Canadian Turf Classic. After he tried to get us to join the VIP Internet Stable, we headed towards Charlotte 'till tomorrow when the Delawareans would come to take the torch.

North Carolina Race Track - August 26

A grand ceremony was scheduled at the NC site for the transferring of the torch to my home state, Delaware. The ceremony got off to a nice start when Jeff Frame sang the national anthem to the record-breaking crowd. It was a big day at the track with North Carolina representative Gal For Lassos scheduled to run in the feature. Then the Delawareans showed up but they forgot to wipe their feet and tracked chicken feathers all over the track. A distraught Ed Rick tried to clean up but Revelation would have none of that… "Now we all know you can have races with out chickens!" A game of flag football was then played in the infield before we transferred the torch to Delaware.

by desperado

All of the above is in good fun, and if any offense is taking please accept my apoligies.
