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Pastures of Green-Olympics

The Hyperion Dash

Track Nominees Final Entry
California B.B. Buzz B.B. Buzz
Fleet Stand
Delaware Cabaret Dude Macho Man
Horn Knee Sal
Iowa Cat Strut Cat Strut
Sexy Ack
Ireland Le Lia Fail Le Lia Fail
Sword Carson
Minnesota Baby Prospector Baby Prospector
King Nine
Nebraska Crow Out Loud Dan's Cat
Dan's Cat
Nevada Surely Bail Infallibility
New York Akula Financial Colony
Texas Project
North Carolina Gal For Lassos Gal For Lassos
Edison Niner
Turfstar (Longchamp) Paul G Paul G
Matty's Ride
Vermont Ferdibuster Danger Zone
Danger Zone
Vikings (Sweden) Storm In The Woods Storm In The Woods
Ton At The Bonds

Equinic Oath Equinic Rules
Equinic Tracks Join the Equinics
Equinic Races Equinic Prizes
The Lighting of the Flame Equinic Diary
Equinic Results Hall of Medals