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Pastures of Green-Olympics

The Prometheus Gift

Track Nominees Final Entry
California School Kris School Kris
Royal Roo
Delaware Hasty Door Hasty Door
Iowa Saint Night Tom A.P.
Tom A.P.
Ireland Can Rizzo (GB) Can Rizzo (GB)
Father Gulch
Minnesota Foggy A.P. Foggy A.P.
Enough With Tex
Nebraska S. Dance S. Dance
Old Covergirl
Nevada Pleasant Neck Pleasant Neck
King's Hope
New York Huge Tale Louis' Fool
Louis' Fool
North Carolina Enough Knock Night Grass
Night Grass
Turfstar (Longchamp) Lucky Light Lucky Light
Mount Flying
Vermont Shy Project Shy Project
Judge Rack
Vikings (Sweden) Shin Brook Shin Brook
Edison In A Lord

Equinic Oath Equinic Rules
Equinic Tracks Join the Equinics
Equinic Races Equinic Prizes
The Lighting of the Flame Equinic Diary
Equinic Results Hall of Medals