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Pastures of Green-Olympics


Equinic Rules

The Vermont track will be closed to the public on September 16 for the Olympics to correlate with the equestrian events happening in Sydney. Mike has waived transportation costs for Equinic Horses.

1. All races will be held in Vermont

2. A maximum of 12 tracks will be able to participate.

3. There will be 15 events

4. Each track will choose 2 horses for each of the 15 events. Each track will submit the 30 names to the Equinics committee by the last week in August. The week of the event each track will send us the names of the 15 horses that will be racing that week. (This gives each track an alternate in case of injury or you may simply decide to run the 'sharp" horse.)

5. Each Equinic Track event will be comprised of 1 horse from each of the 12 Equinic Tracks for a full race of 12 horses.(In the event that we do not have 12 tracks participating, we will draw from the alternate names to fill each race)

6. Each track is responsible for determining how they choose their Equinic horses.

7. Medals, prizes and purse amounts will be determined by the Equinic committee.

Equinic Oath Equinic Rules
Equinic Tracks Join the Equinics
Equinic Prizes Lighting of the Flame
Equinic Races Equinic Diary
Equinic Champions