Nutrition Facts & FAQ's

Maple syrup contains an abundant amount of naturally occurring minerals such as calcium, manganese, potassium and magnesium. And like broccoli and bananas, it’s a natural source of beneficial antioxidants.

Antioxidants have been shown to help prevent cancer, support the immune system, lower blood pressure and slow the effects of aging. Maple syrup is also a better source of some nutrients than apples, eggs or bread. It’s more nutritious than all other common sweeteners, contains one of the lowest calorie levels, and has been shown to have healthy glycemic qualities.

Maple syrup was the original natural sweetener. Native Peoples in North America were the first to recognize 100% pure maple syrup as a source of nutrition and energy. Since then, researchers have been documenting that maple syrup has a higher nutritional value than all other common sweeteners. In addition, researchers have found that pure maple syrup contains numerous phenolic compounds, commonly found in plants and in agricultural products such as blueberries, tea, red wine and flax-seed. Some of these compounds may benefit human health in significant ways.

So go ahead and satisfy that sweet tooth with something that not only tastes great…but is naturally good FOR you! 100% Pure and natural Vermont maple syrup… a gift from Mother Nature herself!

Grades 2 Nutrition Facts Label Grades 2

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:How long does it take a maple tree to reach tappable size?
A:Forty years.

Q:How big does a tree have to be before it can be tapped?
A:Ten inches.

Q:How many gallons of maple sap does it take to produce one gallon of maple syrup?
A:Forty gallons.

Q:How long does a tapped tree give sap?
A:The tap hole will begin to heal and dry up four to six weeks after it is first tapped.

Q:How many gallons of maple syrup are produced in Vermont each year?
A:An estimated average 365,000 gallons of syrup. That's 14,600,000 gallons of maple sap.

Q:What state produces the most maple syrup?

Q:Which Vermont county produces the most maple syrup?
A:Franklin county, where Ox Pasture Maples is located.

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1999- Ox Pasture Maples