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Pagan Teaching Circle's Constitution

Founded January 1999, Johnson State College

We have started the Pagan Teaching Circle for many reasons:

*Though the name implies Pagans only, we wish to include all religions as more of a Universalist group.

*We wish to educate the JSC community and the local community of our ways, to stop the misinterpretation of what it is we do.

*We wish to bring the JSC and local community together as to support and educate each other.

The Laws of the Pagan Teaching Circle: All laws may be added or changed at any time with the agreement of the entire club.

1. Wiccan Rede
Bide the Witch's law ye must,
In perfect love, in perfect trust.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:
An ye harm none, do what ye will.
What ye send forth comes back to thee,
So ever mind the Rule of Three.
Follow this with mind and heart,
Merry ye meet, and merry ye part.

2. Rule of Three
Ever mind the Rule of Three
Three times what thou givist returns to thee
This lesson well, thou must learn
The only gets what thou must earn!

3. Reclaiming Principles of Unity
The values of the Reclaiming tradition stem from our understating that the earth is alive and all of life is sacred and interconnected. We see the Goddess as immanent in the earth’s cycles of birth, growth, death, decay, and regeneration. Our practice arises from a deep, spiritual commitment to the earth, to healing, and to the linking of magic with political action. Each of us embodies the divine. Our ultimate spiritual authority is within, and we need no other person to interpret the sacred to us. We foster the questioning attitude, and honor intellectual, spiritual and creative freedom.

4. Circles/Rituals
a. All held by the Pagan Teaching Circle will be open.
b. All will be clothed.
c. Conduct and expectations of those attending Circles/Rituals will be given to the attending parties before the ritual begins.
Basic Circle/Ritual Rules:
*Ritual written before hand and everyone know their parts or have them written down.
*Participation within the Circle/Ritual is optional.
*Those not participating may stay and watch but once the circle is drawn or ritual started they may not join in.
*Any questions may be asked before or after the Circle/Ritual not during.

5. Tolerance
As we seek tolerance for our religions we have tolerance for all other religions, races, sexes, sexual orientations, and ideas.