Lesson 12: Air

Writen by Isa Moon
Direction: East
Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Colors: White, Bright Yellow, Crimson, Light Blue, Pastels
Magickal Symbols: Athame, Sword, Censer, Creative Visualization, Wand, Herbs,
Flowers, Trees
What it’s used for: The Mind, all mental, intuitive, and psychic work,
knowledge,abstract learning, wind and breath, inspiration, hearing, harmony, herbal
knowledge,plant growth, travel, freedom, revealing the truth, finding lost things,
instruction,telepathy, memory, to contact the angels, the ability to know and understand,
to unlockthe secrets of the dead, Zen meditations, brainstorms, beginnings, illuminations
How it’s used: Tossing objects into the air, suspending tools in high places, Fanning light
objects, Visualization, Positive thinking
Attunment: Stand outside on a windy day, watch the smoke dance from burning incense,
watch a bird in flight
How does the air feel? How does it make you feel? Meditate while staying in contact
with air.