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Lesson 14: Water

Writen by Isa Moon


Direction: West
Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Colors: Blue, blue-green, Green, Gray, Indigo, Black
Magickal Symbols: Shells, Cup, Cauldron, Goblet, Mirrors, The Sea
What it’s used for: Emotions, feelings, love, courage, daring, sorrow, intuition, theunconscious mind, the womb, generation, fertility, plants, healing, smell, absorbing,communication with the spiritual, purification, pleasure, friendship, marriage, happiness,sleep dreams, the psychic, the inner self, sympathy, love, reflection, dreams anddreamtime, currents and tides of life, the power to cleanse things, inner knowing, visionquest, self-healing, inner vision, security, journeys
How it’s used: Dilution, Placing into water, Washing away, Bathing
Attunment: sit by a river, lake, ocean, etc., fill a cup or bowl with water How does the water feel? How does it make you feel? Meditate while in contact with the water.