The figure Satan, known today as the ultimate evil, was created in the early years of Christianity. He was never then, nor today, a figure in any Pagan/Wiccan belifes. There is no ulitimate evil, more of a yin and yang. Satanism is in no way, shape or form anything like Paganism/Wicca.
The name Lucifer, is taken from one of the Roman Gods. Back when Rome was still a pagan empire, Lucifer was the God of the morning star, the dawn. The Christian story states that Lucifer was one of the most beloved angels in heaven but did some things and "fell" from his standing. He was a fallen star.
“Hollywood is 100% accurate in portraying witches.”
And pigs can fly!! False--Movies like “The Craft” do not accruately show what witches do. Wiccans are peace and nature loving beings. There aren’t many covens today that would ask you to draw blood or attempt to kill a fellow coven member. Flying only happens with the help of aircraft, if we want a new hair or eye color we buy contacts and dye, and we don’t manipulate people to fall in love with us, make other’s hair fall out, or ask for super powers that don’t exist.
The best Hollywood portrail I have ever seen would be "Practical Magic". If you ever want to see a movie that gives you an idea of what we do I suggest putting that one in. Still, there are some pretty far fetched actions. Though there are several people I would love to bring back from the dead I don't think I could ever actually do it.
“Paganism was created in the 19th century by a bunch of wealthy British people sitting around a table one day.”
Though they may have had something to do with bringing back the old ways, Paganism has been around longer than Christianity. Greece, Egypt, and England all followed Pagan traditions long before and after Rome brought Christianity to them. Druids can still be found in remote, and not so remote, parts of England and the United States today.
“It’s all just a fad like stair masters and water bottles. People will soon grow out of it.”
Paganism is one of the fastest growing religions in the world. People are trying to get back to their roots. African-Americans just recently started celebrating Kwanza as a way to get back some of their old ways. The same goes for Native Americans and many other peoples.