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Ostra: March 21

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Ostra, the Sabbat of bunnies and chicks, of brightly colored eggs and pastel clothes. Now you might tell me that I'm describing the Christian celebration of Easter, but no, sorry. Ostra, also known as the Spring (Vernal) Equinox, Festival of the Trees, Alban Eilir, Rite of Eostre, is one of the festivals of rebirth.

Spring, the time of rebirth. Most of the forest creatures are mating and/or having their off-spring. And who is more fertile than a rabbit? Don't we usually tease the couple with many children telling them they "breed like rabbits"?

The Sun God is now strong and climbing higher and higher into our northern skies. The Earth and the air warm with his love teasing the long slumbering plants and animals out of hiding and into his warmth.

Favorite Pagan games of the season are painting eggs, egg hunts, and just being outdoors enjoying the warmth of the sun.

Like I discussed in Samhain, the Christians took many ideas from other cultures and religions and made them their own. What's a better way to win a group of people over than by telling them that your religion is exactly the same as their's with only a few changes?

Tradtional colors: green, yellow, gold, all pastel shades

Traditional herbs: acorn, celandine, cinquefoil, crocus, daffodil, dogwood, Easter lily, honey suckle, iris, jasmine, rose, strawberry, tansy, violets

Traditional incense: African violet, jasmine, rose, sage, strawberry

Traditional gemstones: amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, red jasper

Traditional foods: hard-boiled eggs, honey cakes, the first fruits of the season, waffles, milk punch

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