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Collaborative Trainers' Contest

The top three winners of Pasture's Trainers Contest will have the opportunity to run 1 of 3 Vermont stables for a period of 2 months (til the next contest is over and we have new winners). Rules are as follows:

Each player, regardless of number of stables will be permitted to operate only one contest stable during the course of the year. If a player wins a second time, the honor of running the stable will be offered to the next player in descending order of winning place. This will ensure maximum participation of trainers.

Any trainer is able to decline the responsibility of running the track stable.

Screenshots will be provided every week of each stable. (In keeping with Vermont's philosophy we expect only RTG or Sharp horses to be run)

The trainers of the three stables are dependent upon their previous and future partners. The winning of the contest depends upon a collaborative effort.

All Vermont trainers are encouraged to post suggestions about running the stable on the Tack Board and sending emails to the current contest trainers with auction/claim finds.

New Vermont residents are eligible to play by winning one of our successive resident training contest.

Each stable will start with $200,000. Horses will be obtained by claims/auction. At the end of the year, the contest will restart.

Points will be awarded as follows (at the end of 1 yr):

Highest number of wins(%)=3
2nd highest number of wins(%)=2
3rd highest number of wins(%)=1

Highest number of breeding points=3
2nd highest number of breeding points=2
3rd highest number of breeding points=1

Highest amount of money EARNED=3
2nd highest amount of money earned=2
3rd highest amount of money earned=1

Prizes are as follows:

The 6 trainers of the stable with the highest number of total points will win: $200,000 each.
The 6 trainers of the stable with the 2nd highest number of total points will win: $100,000 each.
The 6 trainers of the stable with the 3rd highest number of total points will win: $50,000 each.

The contest is to begin with week 809 after the announcement of the Top Trainers of our current contest.

To watch the stables progress

(Vermont Tips)
(Our Stables)
The Horses of Vermont
The Silks of Vermont
Vermont Natives Become a Vermont Resident
(Information for Residents)
Pasture's Tack Board
Vermont's Finest VerMonster of the Week
(Horse of the Week)
Vermonsters of Weeks Past
(Past Horses of the Week)
Resident Trainer Standings
Trainer's Contest
Collaborative Trainer's Contest
VerMonster's Handicapping Contest
Our Trophy Rooms Pasture's Contest Winners
Vermont's Past Winning Trainers
Our Equinic Champions
Trainers Choosing HOW
VerMonster Races
VerMonster Handicapping Contest Winners
Barn of Links Pastures of Green
Simulated Horse Racing
Our Card Shop