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The Pan Cernunnos Liberation Front

The Pan Cernunnos Liberation Front is a pagan, anarchist theological
organization formed to raise awareness of the way in which mythology
continues to manipulate society and our lives. By explicitly
explaining what is going on in mythological terms, the Pan Cernunnos
Liberation Front seeks to build a movement of defenders of the horned
god and his consort, the Great goddess. Since there is, however,
already a goddess movement present in our culture, the main focus of
the Pan Cernunnos Liberation Front is the respect, defense and worship
of the horned god -- the respectful consort of the goddess.

The goal of the Pan Cernunnos Liberation Front is the end of all forms
of sexual assault, sexual abuse and rape. All genital mutilations --
male, female and intersex -- are ritualized forms of sexual abuse. In
order for the negative cycle of sexual abuse to end it is necessary
for humanity to realize that all sexual abuse is interrelated, and
that no forms of sexual abuse can continue to be condoned or ritualized.

What is really going on here?

Up until 6000 years ago, there was no such thing as patriarchal
culture and religion. Humans all over the planet worshipped the Earth
goddess and her respectful consort, the horned god. With the
development of agricultural technology, however, theology shifted from
earth-based to sky-based. This can be seen in Sumerian mythology,
where sky-gods replaced Earth goddesses.

The idea that humans are part of nature (the great goddess, Gaia) was
replaced by a belief that nature is a force that must be controlled,
and that humans are somehow separate from it. In Sumeria and Egypt,
religions slowly began to incorporate this new belief into their
mythology. The Torah/Old Testament "God" (sometimes called Yahweh or
Jehovah) is patriarchal, jealous, angry and all-powerful. Unlike the
horned god, the patriarchal "God" does not respect the Mother Earth.
Instead he rapes it, and this rape continues today. The greatest
threat to the power of the mythological patriarchal "God" is
the Earth goddess' respectful male consort: the horned god. The horned
god has not been able to stop the rape of his lover because quite
literally he has been demonized by patriarchal "God". He has been told
that he is nothing but the spirit of evil: "Lucifer" or "Satan" -- hence
the infamous descriptions of a horned "Devil". In actuality the
"Devil" is only an illusion, and the horned god is not evil; to the
contrary, he is the evocation of respectful, passionate and sacred
masculine energies and male mysteries. Since there is no place for
respect of the feminine in the patriarchal paradigm, the patriarchy seeks
to silence him and deprive him of his power.

In order to emasculate, trivialize and belittle the horned
god's wild sexuality, the patriarchal "God" Yahweh demanded ritual
male genital mutilation as a means of control, punishment and
subjugation. This is clearly documented in the Old Testament/Torah
when Abraham willingly sacrifices his own and his sons' foreskins to
his patriarchal "God". The significance of this ritual sacrifice (the
Hebrew "bris milah") can not be underestimated, as current medical
research clearly demonstates that the foreskin contains several types
of specialized nerve cells designed for receiving sexual stimulation.
Thus the horned god is also being raped through the ritual mutilation
of his reproductive organs.

What other ways is the horned god being disrespected?

The three major "ritual acts of disrespect" of the horned god are
non-consensual circumcision, warfare, and environmental destruction
and pollution. In warfare men's bodies are treated as disposable
resources, and men's emotions are completely denied. The destruction
of the environment is something that effects the health of all beings
and makes attempts at sustainable culture much more difficult.
Sustainable culture -- culture that coexists in harmony with nature --
is the birthright of all humans, yet (like the foreskin) the
patriarchy places very little value on it. There are many other more
subtle ways in which the horned god is being disrespected, but it is
the opinion of the Pan Cernunnos Liberation Front that all subtle
disrespect stems from genital mutilation, warefare and environmental

What is wrong with involuntary genital mutilation, war, and the
destruction of the environment?

Quite simply, they are assaults on the physical integrity of the
horned god and great goddess. It is an ethical question that requires
an explanation of basic anarchist ethics. Everyone has the right to
engage in consensual activities for which they carry full
responsibility and which do not hurt any third parties. The corollary
is that no one has the right to engage in frivolous activities that
hurt others: especially those that permanently effect the physical
bodies of others. If someone consciously makes the choice to
circumcise him or herself, no ethical line has been crossed. However,
when circumcision is forced on someone without their consent -- as is
often done at birth -- the rights of the person being circumcised are
violated in a ritual act of sacrifice to the patriarchal "God" and
simultaneous ritual act of disrespect to the horned god and great
goddess. The Pan Cernunnos Liberation Front believes that humans have
evolved to the point where the ritual sacrifice of pleasure, trust,
and life is no longer necessary. Perhaps it never was.

If two people willingly choose to fight each other, there is no
ethical violation. When, however, the patriarchal power structure
forces men to go to war and kill or be killed, our most basic rights
to emotional and physical security are blatantly violated. Likewise,
when one person attacks, assaults, or rapes another without consent
there is a obvious violation of basic anarchist ethics.

Questions to Ponder : Questions that the Pan Cernunnos Liberation
Front dares to ask :

Why is the Hebrew bris (ritual male genital mutilation) protected by
the First Amendment, but Rastafarian ritual ganja smoking is not?

How can it be right for parents to force their religious preferences on their
children through acts of violence?

In some Aztec and Mayan civilizations, to willingly sacrifice oneself
was seen as an honor. Why does our culture view voluntary
human sacrifice as barbaric while it condones the involuntary
sacrifice of male erogenous tissue?

Why is female genital mutilation viewed as obscene and unethical, yet
male genital mutilation continues to be practiced routinely?

If the majority of sexual assualt and abuse is committed by men, then
how is it possible to end these crimes without healing men? Why are
women's rights activists are only concerned with helping women? Do
they really want sexual abuse to cease? If so, why do they condone
the routine sexual abuse of males?

  • Shrine of the Horned Gods
  • The Trouble With Men by Robert Gilman
  • FGM Network
  • The Horned Consort
  • In Memory of the Sexually Multilated Child

    "By repressing not only the pain but also their anger and desire
    for revenge, they have banished consciousness, even idealizing the
    custom. Today, as a result of their repression, they justify the
    procedure as harmless and necessary. They cannot recall their
    repressed anger and have never grieved what happened to them.
    Consequently, they inflict the same ordeal on their children without
    wishing to acknowledge what they're doing to them."

    --Alice Miller, _Breaking Down the Wall of Silence: The Liberating
    Experience of Facing Painful Truth_, 1998.

    "Their penises are taken to the blade of a knife and cut. This is done
    to the male child prior to the age of consent. The fact that we do not
    know the long-term impact of this surgery, and have not asked to know,
    tells us about our attitude toward males."

    --Warren Farrell, Ph.D., _Why Men Are The Way They Are_,
    Berkeley Publishing, 1990.

    Contact Information

    The Pan Cernunnos Liberation Front
    Utopia, Vermont

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