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Chino Moreno vs. Craig Croskery

Welcome. I come to this idea when I was at Yahoo! Messinger Confrence. In case you don't know Craig, he's the next future pop star and will get sign by Lou Pealman. Chino Moreno is a singer from Deftones. So here we go.

Announcer: Welcome to Celebrity Deathmatch. Here we have Deftones's Chino Moreno versus future pop star Craig Croskery. So let's begin.
Michelle: Will you get over it? (Throws shoe at announcer)
Announcer: Oowwww.
Michelle: Okay Chino, all you have to do is to beat Craig, got it?
Chino: Got it.
Christina Aguilera: Craig, beat that fat guy and I'll marry you.
Craig: Okay, I will.
Michelle: (Goes to the ring) Okay, let's get it on.
Craig: You can't beat me, fat boy.
Chino: I'm not fucking fat, faggot.
Craig: I'm no faggot. And Christina Aguilera sings better than you.
Chino: That's bullshit. I sing better than her. (Punches Craig)
Craig: Ow. That hurts.
Chino: You want some more punch?
Craig: Yeah.
(Chino punches Craig)
Craig: Ow, not again!
Chino: Hahaha. That's what you get.
Craig: Okay then, Chunky.
Chino: The name's Chino, dumbass. (Craig grabs the bazooka from Christina. Chino grabs the mic from Michelle.)
Craig: Hahaha. Is that your weapon? What are you gonna do? Hit me?
Chino: No, I'm gonna sing.
Craig: Fine, I'll sing "I Want It That Way."
Chino: No, not that!
Craig: (singing) You are my fire.........
Chino: Aaaahhhhhh! My ears!
Craig: (still singing) I want it that way.
Michelle: (comes over the ring) Shut up, Craig. (She kick his nuts.)
Craig: Ow. The pain.
Chino: Thanks, Michelle.
Michelle: My pleasure, Chino.
Craig: Ooooo. You two should go out.
Chino: I'm married, dude.
Craig: Don't called me dude.
(Chino now sings My Own Summer (Shove It))
Craig: Ahhhh! My head! I think I'm gonna explode! Ahhhhh! (Blows up.)
Michelle: Yay! We won.
Christina: Not this time, bitch. You killed my boyfriend. (Begins to choke Michelle.)
Michelle: Chino, help me!
Chino: I'll help you. (Now sings Elite.)
Christina: Ahhhhhh! My ears! (Explodes.)
Announcer: And the winner is.....Chino and Michelle!
Michelle: Hey Chino, can I have an autograph and a picture of you?
Chino: Sure.
Announcer: Well everyone have a great night. Good night and good fight.

The End

Note: No one is injured or killed during the making of this script. No I didn't meet Chino or anybody. This is PURE FICTION, get it. And, oh yeah. Chino Rocks!

Listen and compare!

Hear Craig's voice Hear the Deftones

And Check this out. First Craig, then the Deftones.
Hear it