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Facts and Questions

Now some of you are wondering why the hell I made this page. Now, I want pop music to go away and I do not expect anyone killed, abused, or hurt in the industry. Now on to the questions!

Who are you?

I'm Michelle Buttars, 15 and a half years old going on 16 and lives in Castro Valley, California.

Why did you made this site?

I was bored one day and so I went to other people sites and it insipred me to do this site. I'm a mature person and I'm respectful.

You like Limp Bizkit, but why hate Fred?

I have no problem with Wes, Sam, John and DJ Lethal but Fred is such an ass. He goes on talking shit about everyone from Creed to Nine Inch Nails. He's a sellout, of course and their recent album goes down the toilet.

I'm a teenybopper but I like your site. Are you going to hate me?

I don't mind teenyboppers coming here as long as they respect my opinion and I respect yours. Take it or leave it.

You like Eminem? He's trendy, but why?

I like Eminem because some of the songs are funny. His albums are like comedy albums. It's fine if you hate him, I don't mind.

Do you think Orgy's gay?

As a mature fan of Orgy, I don't think so. I don't care about their sex lives, it's their business, not mine. What I also hate is Orgy Boppers which I'll write a rant on it. Any questions?

Do you post the band you hate's personal info?

Unless I'm joking around, the answer is no. Unlike Orgy Fiends. *cough cough*

Do you like anything at all?

I like Korn, Crazy Town, Papa Roach, Orgy, Deftones, Kittie, Creed, Taproot, Eminem, Pantera, Ozzy, Tool, A Perfect Circle, etc, etc, etc.

Any more questions? Email me.