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Jay Gordon vs. Craig Croskery

Yes Craig is back and alive. If y'all don't know Craig, he's the next pop singer and also a very rude person. His website has been deleted. Jay Gordon is the lead singer of Orgy. Well, enjoy the deathmatch. Please don't take it without permission.

Announcer: Welcome to an another episode of Celebrity Deathmatch. Today, we have a loser who is still alive after he lost to Chino Moreno, Craig Croskery!
Crowd: Boooooo!!!!!!!
Announcer: And over there is the one who ladies DO love, Jay Gordon!
*Females in the crowd screams.*
Announcer: Alright, Michelle, take over and please don't kill me.
Michelle: Damn, Craig is still alive after me and Chino beat his ass. Alright, Jay, you know what to do?
Jay: Yes.
Michelle: If he messes up your makeup, I have the emergancy kit. *winks*
Jay: Thanks. *smiles*
Jasmine tha cop: Craig, I'll beat his ass if he beats you. Remember, I'm your bodyguard.
Craig: Ok, my love.
*Michelle goes to the middle of the ring.*
Michelle: Alright. Let's get it on!
*Bell rings.*
Craig: You look like a pansy with that makeup on. Make up is for women.
Jay: Hey, some men can wear makeup. Take this.
*Jay punches Craig on the face.*
Craig: Ow, that hurts!
Jay: Haha.
*Craig grabs his secret weapon: a makeup remover!* Jay: No, not that! I can't see the world without makeup!
Craig: Now I want to see YOUR real face, punk.
Jay: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
*Craig kicks Jay down and starts wiping his face.* Craig: Hahahaha. I win!
Crowd: Boooooo!!!!!!!!
*Michelle came to the ring with the emergancy kit.* Michelle: Here, Jay.
Jay: Thanks, dude. You're a pal. *opens kit.* Wow! Makeup!
Jasmine: Hey! That's cheating!
Michelle: Shut the fuck up, you piece of shit! You're the one who have cyber sex with your husband. I mean why is your husband has a same job as you?
Jasmine: Why should I know?
*Michelle comes to Jasmine and bites her arm.*
Michelle: Muhahahahahahha!!!!!!
Craig: Hey! How dare you bite my bodyguard!
*Craig grabs the pan and knocks Michelle, leaving her unconcious.*
Jay: Ah. Finished. *Looks at Michelle who was passed out.* Michelle! Wake up!
Craig: your trainer can't help you now.*evil laugh*
*With that, Jasmine turns into a robot from the Fiction video.*
Jay: Oh my god! It's a robot!
*Austin Powers who came out of nowhere came to the rescue.*
Austin: No. It's a fembot, baby, yeah!
Jay: A fembot? Where the hell did you come from?
Austin: No time to ask. We gotta beat these guys. Where's Dr. Evil?
Jay: Dude, I'm think you're in the wrong show.
Austin: Stop asking me questions and beat that fat bastard!
Craig: Hey, I'm not fat!
Jay: Suuuure.
*Jay came to Craig and kick his nuts.* Craig: Owww. The pain again!
Jay: Now for the grand finale.*grins*
*Austin destroys the fembot with his mojo. Jay sings "Eyes, Radio, Lies."
Jay: *singing* I'm the eyes in your radio.
Craig: Ahhhh! My ears again! Ahhhhhh!*explodes once again and never come back.*
Jay: Hell yeah! We won!
Announcer: And the winner is.....Jay Gordon!
*Michelle woke up at that time, not realizing she's on Celebrity Deathmatch.*
Michelle: Ryan, I'm going to kill you for putting ecsacy on my drink!
Austin: Who's Ryan?
Jay: My guitar player from Orgy.
Austin: Oh, I see.
Michelle: *looking at Austin.* Who the hell are you?
Jay: I think she has amnesia. I'll take her home.
Michelle: Dude, this guy is taller than me. Ahhhh! I'm a midgit!
Announcer: So Michelle suffers amnesia but anyways join us next time on Celebrity Deathmatch. Until then, good night and good fight.

The End.