Note: First of all, this is no worshipping page, it's an anti page. Geez. Somebody kick her out.
Note: This pervert came to my site and promoted a porn site. I don't tolerate this.
mandymoore kicks butt (Um no she's not. Bitch.)
anthems_to_emperor_at_dusk: SLIPKNOT TALK A-LOD OF SHIT
michelleb32385: What do you listen to?
anthems_to_emperor_at_dusk: black metal
michelleb32385: Like what?
anthems_to_emperor_at_dusk: i bet you don't even know what it is
michelleb32385: Tell me the bands you like?
anthems_to_emperor_at_dusk: black metal bitch! i bet you don't even know what it is
anthems_to_emperor_at_dusk: and no, its not what niggers make
michelleb32385: Name some bands that you like, damn it.
anthems_to_emperor_at_dusk: emperor, mayhem(not methods of bollocks), immortal, darkthrone
michelleb32385: All righthy then.
michelleb32385: I don't know those bands.
michelleb32385: Do you like Disturbed?
anthems_to_emperor_at_dusk: thats coz your a poser metal fan!!!
michelleb32385: Shut up.
michelleb32385: I like Disturbed.
anthems_to_emperor_at_dusk: AND WHOEVER MODELS FOR THEM IS EVEN WORSE!!
michelleb32385: Hahahah.
anthems_to_emperor_at_dusk: THAT GAY BALD DUDE FROM DISTURED EATS COCKS!!
michelleb32385: Fuck you.
anthems_to_emperor_at_dusk: why coz i just said the truth and you can't handle it?
michelleb32385: You're a jerk off.
anthems_to_emperor_at_dusk: POSER!!
michelleb32385: *********************8
anthems_to_emperor_at_dusk: POSER!
That is from Yahoo IM. If you want to talk to this guy and chew him out, IM him.
From: "Melissa T"
Next one: Melissa(sucks Nick Carter's dick.)
Next: From:
Fred and Limp Bizkit are cooooooooool !!!!!!!!!(No they're not.)
So don't dis them !!(I like to dis them because they suck.)
I know loads of fat and ugly slipknot fans (but I
ain't fat nor ugly)(Yeah yeah, good for you.) See y'all(Um, it's one person, not all.)
And here's what I sent. Well, well,well. You don't apreciate my opinion don't you? Well one thing, Fred is not cool. Don't you see what he done to the bands he diss? And also, ever heard of Limp's new album? It's all garbage. Reply when you get a chance.
oooooooooooooo !!(I' so scared, I think I'm going to cry.)
ok, so were agreed that fred rules and kid rock sucks dick!!!!!!(WE??? I said Fred SUCKS. Not Fred rules.)
Choco st*rfish rules but Rollin's borin'(I say that album sucks.)
see ya hornygirl(Oh great, now I get to get turn on by this dude.)
XXX My response is
To: One pure fred durst fan,livin it up nad not givin a fuk-unlike u!!!!!! (Pure Fred Durst fans means that they can hate Slipknot and Taproot because Fred bash them and don't care if Fred sells out. I say Limp Bizkit will be flushed down the toilet.)
Name: thugbot 5000 (nice name) by the way i love the homophobic nickname section.(Actually, that's the nickname section.) "backstreet fags"... sounds like someone is NOT in touch with his own sexuality if he has to make fun of people who are different from him.(Oh boo hoo. At least I'm not impersonate Eminem.)
anti-pop. hah. whatever...(whatever? what do you mean whatever?) its all just fashion.(You're not talking about clothes, are you?) think your being unique but there are millions of mindless zombies just like you taking up space.(We come to take your minds. Haha, I love being a zombie.)
And here's my response:
Hello. Here's the answers to your questions. One, I'm not gothic. As the matter
of fact, I don't like labeling people. Second, you do not understand the
meaning of my e-mail address. And third, I'm not angry all the time. Ever
heard of freedom of speech. Well, the fred and christina performance is a
disgrace. Limp Bizkit's new album sucks ass. Well, I hope you reply with your
Sincerly, And here's her response:
oh........i c!~ well, i guess u know. cool!~ well u said in my gbook that i
was a prep!~ i am one...but how did u know? (I can tell by reading your website.) well gotta go to my grandmas
nnow so buh-bye!~
why do ya gotta go dis fred like that??????(Because he's a sellout and so does Limp Bizkit.) hez HOTT(Hott? Can you say UGLY?) and apparently people
like him(Like Limp fans) otherwise he wouldnt be on trl all the time (Riiight.) so just fuck off u
fag!!!! (Fag? I'm a female for god's sake. You were thinking of dyke, aren't you? Tsk Tsk.)
Britney Spears and justin Timberlake are great preformers and beatiful people!! (LMAO! Looks like the family can't take my joke, don't they?)
get some new tastes in music mallfuck, and start listening to some REAL talented bands,(Fine.) like ZAO, Meshuggah, Luti Kriss, Samael, Gates of Ishtar, Nasum, etc. (Thank you for suggesting. I'll go to Morphus and download some.)
From: "Melissa T"
Oh Michelle,is there any problem with your fuckin' mind?(Nope.)What're you
here is fuckin' immature!(What I'm doing is mature.)Whats that crap you sent me suppposed to
mean?(It's a Deftones song, foo.)But
anyways,who cares?(I do.)Not me!If you really like this crap,fine!(Fine.)But keep it
your fuckin' self!(No.)Don't waste your time to send me all this shit
again!(I will sent some shit to you. >:))Coz'
you can't change anything by sending this fuckin' shit to me!(Yes I can.)Facts are
facts!BSB is the greatest band on the whole fuckin' planet is a fact!(No they're not.)I
BSB forever is another fact!(No, they suck.)man,just face it!Don't think you can change
facts!Coz' you can't!Grow up!(I am grown up.)
Listen,its my last warning for all you stupid airheads!(Ooooo. I'm so scared.)Don't even try
press my luck and cross the bottom line or dissing the lads I luv,if
swear I wouldn't be that nice to all of you fuckin' jerks!Take my
mean what I say!
Here's the next one from a Limp fan
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 15:28:18 EST
Subject: You're fucked in the hed bitch!!!!!!! (Um, it's spelled head, not hed.)
And here's what he sent back.
How old are u?
And were do u come from?
Hornygirl??? What makes you say that? Well, Kid Rock rocks but I think Limp Bizkit is trash. They're trendy now and you should know that their album is the worst album they have ever made. Reply to me when you're finish. Chow.
Subject: U are an asshole!!!!(Why thank you.)
From: "Marc Bingham"
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2001 8:58:11 PM -0000
You talk about fred durst being a dkihed(??? Sigh. This dude doesn't know how to spell.} and everything but i bet u wudnt
dare say it to his face!!!!!(Yes I would.)And why are u so bothered about the lyrics in
the song?(Well want to see my reasons, see Why I hate Fred Durst and Limp Bizkit section.)They dont mean anything-they are jst convenient to the
song!!(Riiight. And I can sing Old Mc Donald.)Chocolate atarfish(You mean starfish, right?) rocks and so does Significant other!!!!!(That's your opinion. In my opinion, the first album is better.)Uve got it
all all wrong asshole(Yawn.) and so wot if fred pisses of other bands-Slipknot and
all them other assholes suk!!!!!!!!!!(Well that's because Slipknot is not trendy. Well sort of but Slipknot still rocks.)
Sigh. Someone wants my site deleted. Geez. I wonder if he's going to report it to Angelfire.
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: da ghetto (Oh yeah? I'm from a hick town.)
Any suggestions about my site: erase this site.(Nope. It's going to be here forever and ever.)
Comments: wow, you put a lot of time into this site.(Why thank you. It's what I do on my free time.) too bad its just filled negative energy.(Uh oh. Looks like I made your self esteem down.) who are you trying to impress my being to "ANTI-POP"?(Ever look at my disclamer?)
Date: 1:38 PM Jun 03, 2001
Subject: hi
hi this is mariah.....(And my name is Michelle.)u visited my page mariahsboredpage(right?) and i was juss wondering......r u a goth?(Goth? Look at my picture in about me section. Do I look gothic to you? no.) juss wondering cause u seem disturbed inside..(Ahahaha. She thinks I'm gothic because of my e-mail address. How funny!)y do u seem so angry?..(I'm not angry all the time. I'm angry when I have PMS, see.)well fred and christina rulz!(*cough cough* they suck. Hello? Fred and his band soldout and ever seen the Lady Marmalade video? She is the hooker in that video.) bye!!!(adios.)
Michelle aka the Disturbed 1
Subject: (no subject)
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2001 12:58:22 AM EDT
From: Partelow family (Oh dear. Looks like the first hatemail from a family!)
Subject: Stop it (No)
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 17:38:51 -0500
Name: anonymous
Referred By: Friend
Location: earth (Oh so do I. :D)
Any suggestions about my site: take it down!(No.)
Comments: My friend sent me a link to your lame site, and i just have to say that it is the most retarded anti site i have ever seen!!!(Wow, that hurts me so much, man.) I mean, if you're gonna make a hate page, at least make it entertaining,(This is.) or at least making sense!(It does.) I mean, come on! your reasons are so pathetic!(Well, give me a chance to change it.) For example:
Reasons why you hate boy bands:
2.) they have more than a million fans
What kind of a reason is that??? (Well they do.) So are you saying that if your pathetic little rock groups began to get even half as many fans as *NSYNC has, you'll start to hate them too???(Limp sold out and Blink 182 has too much attention on the media) of course, that would never happen, so you don't need to worry bout that, now would you? (No. Why should I?)
And you say that you hate britney because she's on mtv too much?(That's not the reason. She's also a two cent hoebag.) sounds like someone's a tad jealous! (Jealous? Who me?)
You know that you will never be as famous and rich as her or christina, or any other pop star.(I don't. If I want to form a band, they have to play intruments.) So just get off of your stupid jealous horse and get with the program!(Ooooo. Little bit harsh on that.) Pop is here to stay! (Ok then. That's your opinion, fine.)
Name: alex
E-Mail: noneoburbuisness (Awww. You don't want me to e-mail you?)
Referred By: Search Engine
Any suggestions about my site: demolish it (Sigh, people just don't understand.)
Comments: hey u retard (Retard? Do I have a down syndrome? No.) god u must have no life (Where can I get one?) since u created this fucked up webpage! i think you are just jealous of pop singers like britney, christina, nsync. (Jealous? I just don't like them, that's all.) You are sucha fag (Homophobic, eh? Tsk tsk.)
Name: a metalhead
Homepage Title: yousuck
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: kittie sucks (Ooh boo hoo.)
Any suggestions about my site: get some taste in music, or take it down (Well, if you go to my personal page, go to my taste of music. Everyone got diffrent taste of music so respect that.)
Comments: kittie sucks. kittie are not talented. kittie IS pop music.(Pop = Popular. I don't care about that. I can like any bands I want.)