Baseball Resume Exaggerations:
Quite often players looking for play college or professional baseball are asked to submit or fill out a baseball resume. Often players can greatly exaggerate their accomplishments and baseball abilities. These are the most common uses of creative writing by baseball players.
1) Height and Weight: The most common exxageration by ball players especially for pitchers. Many Colleges and MLB Scouts will not scout pitchers under six feet tall unless they throw mid 90's, so ball players tend to add 2 inches to their heights. Pitchers listed as 6-0 tall on the baseball resume are really 5-10. Players listed as 5-11 tend to be really 5-9. Player quite often list what they hope to be their weight will be and not what it really is.
Players can't very well lie or exxagerate their size once the college coach or MLB meets them in person.
2)60 Yard Time and Home to First Time:Players speed is measures in the 60 YD dash in a tryout camp or high school showcase setting and home to first in the game situation. Players resumes are loaded with players claiming they can run the 60 yard dash in 6.50 seconds or better and Home to First times under 4.0 seconds, but not many can show any proof that they can do what they claim. College Coaches or MLB Scouts will dismiss these claims unless it can be verified by an outside source(High School Showcase or MLB Tryout Camp) that is reliable. Players will run 0.10 faster on an Astro Turf surfaces.
3) Velocity: If you ask pitchers, they all throw 90 mph plus. The pitch velocity can vary greatly by which Radar Gun is being used to clock it. MLB Scouts or College Coaches will ask what radar gun they were clocked at Jugs Cordless or Stalker Radar Gun and who can verify the readings.Radar Gun Readings can easily be verified by showing it on film while showing the pitcher throwing.
All MLB scouts use the Stalker Radar Gun, where the average MLB Fastball is 90-91 mph.
The next popular radar gun is the Jugs Cordless Radar Gun, which can read 1-4 mph faster than the Stalker Radar Gun. A 95 mph fastball on the Jugs Cordless Radar Gun can often read 91 mph on the Stalker Radar Gun.
Older Jugs Corded Radar Guns will read 2mph slower than the Stalker Radar Gun.
Ra Gun will read 3-4 mph slower than the Jugs Corded Radar Guns and 5 mph slower than the Stalker Radar Gun.
Pitches loses 8 mph (1 mph per 7 feet)from the time it leaves the pitchers hand to when it cross home plate.
Major League Average Velocity:
Stalker Solo 2(90-91 mph)
Stalker Pro 2 (90-91 mph)
Stalker Sport (90-91 mph)
Jugs Cordless(93-95 mph)
Jugs Corded Speed Gun
(88-89 mph)
Jugs Corded Tibar Radar Gun(88-89 mph)
Ra Gun(85-86 mph)
Stalker Solo 2
Stalker Pro 2
Stalker Sport
Ra Gun
Jugs Cordless Radar Gun
Jugs Corded Tibar Radar Gun
Jugs Corded Speed Gun
4)MLB Scouts are scouting them.
Players quite often if they see MLB Scouts at their game assume they are there to see them. While the MLB Scouts will see everyone on the field and could very well discover a prospect they did not know about. If the MLB Scout really has interest in a prospect, they will ask them to fill out a player information card, request medical records on the player and give them a psychological test. Plus the MLB Scout will hand the prospect his business card.
5)Players were drafted or have Independent Baseball Leagues and Minor Leagues Experience.
This one of the more easily claims to verify. One just needs to check The Baseball Cube
The Baseball Reference which lists players with Independent Baseball Leagues Stats,Minor Leagues Stats and Drafted players
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