VCAndrews Dollanganger Quotes

Here are meaningful quotes all revolving around the books written by VCAndrews for the Dollanganger Series.

John Amos Jackson

1."There are none so blind as those who refuse to see."
=John Amos Jackson (Flowers In The Attic)

2.The lord has ways of punishing those who show disrespect towards their elders.
=John Amos Jackson (If There Be Throns)

3. "Conceived in fire, born in heat."
-John Amos

Catherine Dollanganger Marquet Sheffield

1."Seek Tarnish and you shall find."
=Catherine Sheffield (Seeds Of Yesterday)

2."Dreams are fulfilled where the purple grass grows."
=Catherine Dollanganger (Flowers In The Attic)

3."For everything can come to those who have the desire, the drive, the dedication and the determination."
=Catherine Sheffield (If There Be Thorns)

4."Don't look at the overall picture. Take one step, then another and another...until you arrive at your destination."
=Catherine Sheffield (Seeds Of Yesterday)

5."Fate doesn't choose the unloved, the derelicts, the unneeded or the unwanted. Fate, a bodiless form with a cruel hand that reaches out randomly, carelessly and seizes up with ruthlessness."
=Catherine Sheffield (Seeds Of Yesterday)

6."We lived in the attic, Chris, Cory, Carrie and there are only three."
=Catherine Dollanganger (Flowers In The Attic)

7."She'll pay pay pay then pay some more!"
=Catherine Marquet (Petals On The Wind)

8."Blame the wind or stars of fate-- I still blamed my mother."
=Catherine Sheffield, SEEDS OF YESTERDAY

9."Christopher, sometimes I hate Momma! And not only that, sometimes I hate you, too! Sometimes I hate everybody - most of all myself! Sometimes I wish I were dead, because I think we would all be better off dead then buried alive up here!"
=Cathy Dollanganger (Flowers in the Attic)

10."You're not a woman! You're a monster! Something unhuman and inhumane!"
=Cathy Dollangagner (Flowers in the Attic)

11."There's going to come a day when you are going to be the helpless one, and I'm going to hold the whip in my hands. And there's going to be food in the kitchen that you are never going to eat, for, as you incessantly say, God sees everything and he has his way of working justice!"
=Cathy Dollanganger (Flowers in the Attic)

12."How easily Cory and Carrie let go of a father who had loved them very much. And I couldn't let him go. I was never going to let him go, even if I couldn't see him so clearly now ... I could feel him."
=Cathy Dollanganger (Flowers in the Attic)

13."Certainly God in his infinite mercy will see that some understanding publisher will put my words in a book, and help grind the knife that I hope to wield."
=Cathy Dollanganger (Flowers in the Attic)

Olivia Foxworth

1."One must close their eyes to temptations and open them to see beyone it."
=Olivia Foxworth (Garden Of Shadows)

2."Like any woman stupidly believing in love, I never realized that the blue sky I saw was not the warm, soft, nurturing sky of spring, but the cold, chilling, lonely sky of winter."
=Olivia Foxworth (Garden Of Shadows)

3."There are sins and there are sins. Even your generous contributions to the church can't undo the evil significance of what you have done."
-Olivia Foxworth (Unknown)

4."We will dole out food, drink and shelter, but never kindness, sympathy or love."
-Olivia Foxworth (Flowers in the Attic)

Bart Sheffield

1."Crooked days make crooked ways."
=Bart Sheffield (Seeds Of Yesterday)

2."I despise poets, artists, musicians, dancers!"
-Bart Sheffield (Seeds Of Yesterday)

Malcolm Foxworth

1. "I won't insult your intelligence and tell you that you're beautiful; but you are extremely attractive and it's quite apparent that you have an extraordinary mind."
-Malcolm Foxworth (Garden Of shadows)

Paul Sheffield

1. "Don't tempt me too much Catherine--for your own good."
-Paul Sheffield (Petals on the Wind)

Dr.Christopher Dollanganger Sheffield jr.

1. "Look at you, standing there in your iron-grey dress, feeling pious and self-righteous while you starve small children!"
-Chris Jr. (Flowers in the Attic)

2."As the man, and the head of this family, let it be known hitherto that I am to be waited on hand and foot - the same as a king. Wife, as my inferior, and my slave, set the table, dish out the food, make ready for your lord and master."
-Chris Jr. (Flowers in the Attic)
3. "Angel, saint, Devil's spawn, good or evil, you've got me pinned to the wall and labeled as yours until the day I die. And if you die first, then it won't be long before I follow."
-Chris Jr. (Unknown)

Corinne Foxworth Dollanganger Winslow

1. "You both gave me your word - and you broke it! How can I trust either one of you now? And I thought I could. I thought you loved me, that you would never betray me!"
-Corrine Foxworth (Flowers in the Attic)


1.Everyone is handicapped in some way."
= Quotent not known. (Seeds of Yesterday)

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