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Course Unit Objectives

By the completion of this unit, the students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of bullying
2. List the characteristics of a bully;
3. List the characteristics of a victim of bullying;
4. List the elements of the imbalance of power and control;
5. Analyze given situations of bullying and identify the elements of power and control;
6. List behaviors which are trouble starters
7. List bullying behaviors;
8. Correlate the these two lists;
9. Demonstrate and ability to identify these behaviors in given situations;
10. Discuss the effects bullying has on the victim;
11. Discuss society’s attitude toward bullying;
12. Discuss the roles people might play during a bullying incident;
13. Discuss the myths and truths around bullying;
14. Discuss the techniques for dealing with the bully

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