This book written by Dena Rosenbloom, PhD and Mary Beth Williams,PhD is for people in recovery or those who work with survivors. The authors are very sensitive to the process of recovery. They emphasize the importance of reading the book, chapter by chapter to lay a foundation for other work. They encourage self-care strategies. There is a gray shaded box every so often to stop the reader and allow them to assess how they are feeling at that moment, whether to go on or take a break.
They keep things in the here and now as best they can. They want the reader to think about their life right now, since the trauma. They work on thinking things through, finding meaning, finding alternatives, evaluating alternatives, checking for accuracy and examining the process.
This book is clearly written, terms are defined, and examples given. It is a fine tool for therapy or as an informational textbook.
This book was reviewed by Carol Allard, a student in a Victimology course.
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