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EMDR by Francine Shapiro, Ph.D & Margot Silk Forrest is about a therapeutic treatment known as Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing. This treatment has been effective with victims of all kinds and in almost any clinical and behavorial situation, as well as physical manifestations of stress, i.e. head, stomach, and backaches. This treatment powerfully and successfully combines the physiological with the psychological. When our eyes move left, the right brain is stimulated and when our eyes move right, the left brain is activated.

This process tends to lead to memory retrieval and rapid insights accompanied by desensitzation. These memories and thoughts are connected to the present. The person is able to release hidden issues and memories which are trapped in the body. They no longer hold as much significance. It seems to reverse some of the physiological changes which took place at the time of the original trauma. There is hope that the person is able to let go and enter the recovery process.

This book presents trauma in a new way. Rather than needing to determine trauma by a set of criteria, the authors believe that any event may be disturbing just because of its personal significance.

They do not limit the discussion to only a certain kind of trauma. Many varied cases are presented in such a manner that the reader gains great insight into the world of a trauma survivor, through an intensely emotional viewpoint.

It would appear that it is not the purpose of this book to explore the inner workings of EMDR. The reader will need to look elsewhere for this information. However, knowledge is not necessary for healing to take place. It just works.

This is a great book authored by Francine Shapiro, the originator of the treatment. I am certain many will be wanting this book..

Memory Retrieval
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