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Self Injury

Why do people abuse themselves, anyway? It is especially appalling to think of teen aged kids cutting themselves with thinks like knives, geometry compasses, pieces of plastic, or rubbing their pencil eraser so fast and long that they draw blood on their hand or arm, or causing a friction burn with a ruler by scraping it so hard. Some burn themselves with cigarettes, matches, or cigarette lighters. But why? What is going on within them?

Many have experienced trauma at an earlier age or are still in a traumatic situation, i.e. still being sexually abused, a link below being physically abused, in a battering relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend, or seeing violence in the home. a link below Very often when they are hurting themselves, they are not fully aware, they are in a dissociative state. a link below This is way for them to make the emotional pain go away. It's as if they say, "When I feel pain on the part of my body that I've hurt it makes sense, I see blood, I know why, but I don't understand why I feel so much pain inside.

Hurting themselves is a way to try to make some sense of it all, or to express the degree of emotional pain they are experiencing. Other dissociative behaviors which may accompany self abuse are substance abuse and eating disorders. in a link below. When the process of containment is begun, the person can start to work on the issues which pain them so.

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