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Emotional Blackmail

You can read of the substance of this book, in the Kinds of Abuse section.

I will review this book with the people we serve, in mind.

The author has discussed and enfleshed one more tactic of abuse used by the batterer. In looking at the power and control wheel, which can be found by clicking on the link below, it can be easily seen how emotional blackmail encompasses almost every aspect of the wheel. There is isolation, verbal abuse, threats, sexual abuse, intimidation, mental and psychological abuse, financial abuse, and stalking. There is even threat of physical abuse which may be backed up with past abuse. Although the author never calls emotional blackmail abuse this clearly is a abuse.

This is also a control tactic a child molester or rapist will use to ensure that they will not be reported; their secret is safe and they are free to return.

The author suggests that the victim make the blackmailer aware of what they are doing. In some cases, such as parents who were parented the same way, they may not be aware they are doing this. However, in cases of domestic violence or sexual abuse this may not be prudent and may place the victim in grave danger. She also suggests that the two people work toward a mutual understanding of the situation. However, there is no mutual ground when a batterer is involved.

This book is clearly written with descriptive examples. This is not in a workbook format, however there are a few exercises for the reader to use. There are no places where the reader is given time to assess how they are feeling.

There is a list included, of other works written by the author. Although there is no formal description of her qualifications and credentials, she clearly knows what she is talking about and has given a name to a very insidious form of abuse. I am very excited that this book is in print.

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