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Relationships with a Power Imbalance: An Educational Website

Too many Relationships struggle with a Power Imbalance. This is an educational website with an in-depth look at these relationships. I originally wrote this website for the Rutland County Women’s Network & Shelter. They now have a simpler format at This website you have arrived at has an educational purpose in addition to helping anyone who needs to know more about power imbalance and all of its implications. Feel free to use any of this material for educational purposes.

I am constantly working on adding more information. If there is something you do not see here that you think should be, or a question you have or a story you want to share with me, feel free to e-mail me.

Domestic Violence, the epitomy of relationships with a power imbalance or abuse of any kind does not happen in a vacuum. Within these links we will explore the causes and effects of living in a dysfunctional family or struggling with unhealthy relationships. I hope it helps you understand how you can work to stop domestic violence in your life ,your friend's life, or in your community.

Here are a couple of suggested ways to get the most out of this site: You could click on each of the 6 links below which are the main categories and then move on to other related topics from there or you can click on the link that says all of the links and choose an individual link from there.

I hope you gain a great deal of information from my site. Please feel free to contact me for any reason by e-mail at

DISCLAIMER: I know that women abuse men. They are just as capable of creating a power imbalance. Because most cases of males being abused by women go unreported, as do incidents of abuse in gay and lesbian relationships, statistics show that the majority of victims are women abused by men. For our purposes here, we will refer to the victim as "she" and would hope that where appropriate, the reader would adjust the pronouns.

There is a very annoying ad that comes on each page. Just click on the minimize symbol and the desired page will come up. Sorry for the annoyance.

Kinds of Abuse & The Dynamics of Abuse
The Effects of Violence on Children
Book Reviews & Other Information
Page 1 of the Links
Page 2 of the Links
Page 3 of the Links
Trafficking--a ficticious story about rescue
