So, You Want A Free Vermont...
- Bring the issue before your town meeting. Municipal democracy is one of the
greatest traditions of our state. The strength of Vermont comes from its town
meetings. Let your voice be heard in your local government.
- Support pro-independence candidates. Exercise your power to elect those who
you would have represent you. Choose a candidate who represents a free Vermont.
- Run for office. Become a leader of the free Vermont cause. Sadly, few people
are willing to stand up for the ideals of independence. For this reason, running
for elected office is perhaps the best way to support Vermont.
- Write. Whether it’s a letter to the editor, or a treatise supporting the cause
of the Vermont Republic, writing is a most important foundation of any movement.
Write pamphlets. Write letters. Write poems. Write histories. The people of
Vermont must reach out to each other and share the dream of independence.
- Organize. Join together to demand independence. One voice alone cannot
accomplish anything, but a chorus will be heard. Reach out to others who share
the vision of freedom.