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October 23, 1998

E-mails are flying with joy today, as those of you who have spoken out and signed petitions and CARED are celebrating the decision by the TNRCC to deny a licence to the Sierra Blanca dump site (see El Paso Times news story below).

There's a big party in Texas, that we're all invited to:


Richard Simpson has just reported that at 3:30 p.m. today the Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission voted UNANIMOUSLY TO DENY the proposed permit to construct and operate a nuclear waste dump in Sierra Blanca, Texas!!!!! There will be no remand or further action by the TNRCC. The party is at Scholzs Beer Garden in Austin located at the corner of 16th and San Jacinto Streets.

CONGRATULATIONS to you all for working so hard to stop this dump!!!!


Well, celebrate but don't relax -- the nuke industry will just try to find another poor border town to accept a dump. We've got to convince our legislature to withdraw from the Compact, and store the waste in the secure faciltiy that produced it [VY, MY]-- constantly monitoring for leaks and permanently separated from the environment. The people have to take the lead on this; politicians can't stand up to the nuclear industry.

Maine has been circulating a petition similar to ours. Like our petition, it is being signed by people of all political persuasions, all ages, all interests. People instantly recognize the environmental injustice of this compact. Maine's petition is gathering signatures at a rapid rate, and we'll be getting together with Maine for a strategy weekend soon. Contact person is Julian Holmes, 207 685-9057. Maine Sierra Club contact person is Susan Sargent, 207 582-7041.

Mainers recommend we look at two books by H.G. "Skip" Brack -- Legacy for our Children; and Collapse of a Pyramid Scheme, Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company -- to increase our understanding of the nuclear power industry and the waste issue.

Reminder that there is a panel on nuclear waste and environmental justice at Vermont Law School, this Saturday at 11:30 a.m. The keynote speaker is Robert Bullard, speaking at 1:30. For more info call Andrew Yoon, 802 763-9941.



EL PASO, Texas (AP) -- A state commission refused to issue a permit today for a proposed radioactive waste dump near the Mexican border, citing concern about a geologic fault line that runs beneath the site.

The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission voted 3-0 against the project.

The project, to be located in rural Sierra Blanca, 90 miles southeast of El Paso and 20 miles from the border, is intended to hold tons of low-level radioactive waste from across the state, 90 percent of which would come from Texas utilities, and waste from Maine and Vermont as well.

Mexico has protested the dump, as have environmentalists and residents of Sierra Blanca, a mostly poor community.

Supporters say the proposed site is safe. Opponents contend the it is a hazard because it sits in the most seismically active region of the state and above a key source of groundwater for communities.

The commission had three options: side with two administrative law judges who reviewed scientific studies of the site and recommended against the dump, issue the license, or order more study by the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority.

The authority could request a rehearing from the commission and, failing that, go to court of the Legislature agreed.

Lea Terhune
10 Waterview Road
Colchester, VT 05446
phone 802 658-1908
fax 802 660-4366

Sierra Club office, same address
phone and fax: 802 651-0169
888 729-4109

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