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What is Crime Stoppers?

Crime Stoppers is one of the most effective law enforcement programs to appear in the last twenty-five years. It is a non-profit organization, relying on cooperation between law enforcement agencies, news media and the public. Comminity support for the Crime Stoppers program in St. Johnsbury and throughout the Northeast Kingdom, which has been strong, from Tipsters, Police Services and Sponsors of the program.

How did Crime Stoppers begin?

In July 1976 in Albuquerque New Mexico a university student was killed during a gas station robbery. After 6 weeks of investigation the police had very few leads as to who was responsible. Police Detective Greg MacAleese thought that if the public was able to observe a reenactment of the crime on television this may lead to a citizen providing information that may lead to an arrest.

Greg MacAleese was right. A caller contacted the police Department the next day after seeing the reenactment. The tip information was enough to lead the police to the two men who were responsible. Within 72 hours of the reenactment being aired the police had solved the murder. This was the beginning of Crime Stoppers.

Crime Stoppers, in the United States, has helped to solve more than 70,000 cases since 1982 and has recovered well in excess of 200 million dollars in property and drugs. More than 40,000 arrests have been made as a result of this program.

How does Crime Stoppers Work?

The Crime Stoppers tip line is manned by trained Police Personnel who receive, process, and pass on tip information to investigating officers. Callers are given a code number which is used in all subsequent calls and callers do not have to identify themselves.

A reward of up to $ 1,000 is offered to anyone providing information which leads to an arrest for a crime. Crime Stoppers encourages the public to call with information on crimes that have already been commited, those that are about to occur and/or the whereabouts of suspects wanted by police.

Crime Stoppers guarantees ANONYMITY of the caller. The call is not traced, recorded, nor does Crime Stoppers subscribe to Call Display. No one will know who the caller is! All persons offering information are eligible for a cash reward based on any arrests or recovery and court convictions are not a stipulation in reward pay-outs. Crime Stoppers is not a Government funded organization. Cash rewards are NOT TAX DOLLARS! Crime Stoppers is a charitable organization funded by private TAX-EXEMPT donations.

The media is a very important component of Crime Stoppers. An unsolved crime may be re-enacted and shown on television or may be publicized in a newspaper or aired on the radio. The media also brings the program to the attention of the public.

If you have any information on any crime occurring in the Northeast Kingdom area please call Northeast Kingdom Crime Stoppers at:


Northeast Kingdom Crime Stoppers will pay up to a $1,000 cash reward for information that leads to an arrest.

Remember callers to Crime Stoppers do not have to identify themselves.