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David Icke - Dubbed the worlds most controversial speaker and author, brings to the web much of his research, philosophies and goals. Bringing truth back to the people in his unusual manner, he teaches how love and truth will go a long way to correct the conspirators' monopoly of the worlds business and the manipulation of the masses through mind control & other techniques.

Eredità Cydonia - This group analizes original NASA frames, to seek clues and proove that "we are not alone in the Cosmos".

Fl uoride Issues - Important information regarding the use of fluoride in our drinking water and other areas.

Jeri's Astronomy Page - Links to science and paranormal sites.

Kelz Paranormal Page - Contains pictures and links on paranormal topics.

Kingdom of Brantonia - files and hundreds of links on many topics.

Mountain Girl's Home Of Angels and friends - Info on angels and links.

The NWO Intelligence Update - This site tracks issues, events, personalities, political moves and legislation linked to the forthcoming New World Order [or "Our Global Neighbourhood", as it's now been disarmingly renamed]. including Bilderbergers, President Clinton, Rockeffelor links, CIA drug-smugglin & more.

The Official UFO Site - A grassroots investigative organization based in the Greater Atlanta Area dedicated  to serious study and analysis of UFO Phenomena. - The Paranormal Search Engine.

Phoenixga te UFO links - Over a 100 links to ufo/alien related sites.

Pieces Of An Enigma - This site is devoted to those things that happen that we as of  yet have no explanations for, but here too you'll find philosophy, and art, and music, and poetry. - The worlds first communications site dedicated to studying the reptilian image within the UFO phenomena.

Reverse Speech - Reverse Speech is another form of human communication that is  auto- matically generated by the human brain. It occurs every time we speak and is imbedded back- wards into the sounds of our speech. This previously undiscovered function of the mind is the mind's own independent voice speaking from the deepest regions of consciousness.Hear reversals on  people such as Bill Clinton, O.J Simpson, John and Patsy Ramsey.

Sharky's Place - This page looks at the coming One World Government. Has information on the NWO, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderbergers, Presidential Executive Orders, David Rockefeller and more.

Sightings  - This great site is packed with info on topics such as UFO-Paranormal, Political Intrigue, Y2K, Earth Changes, Secret Weapons, Science and more. Plus regular headlines that don't always make the mainstream media. It also comes with its daily radio show.

Truth in Media - If you're like the millions of people who resent being ruled by the big business elites;  - wax nostalgic no more! Join the readers whom Bob Djurdjevic's editorials and columns have been enchanting and often moving to action.If there were always the truth in media, there would be no need for the Truth in Media.

Ufomind - The largest UFO/Alien/Paranormal database on the web with thousands of links to thousands of websites.

UFOseek - The Paranormal and UFO Search Engine.

UFO'S!< /a> - A small page with a few links to UFO sites.

The World of the Mysterious and Unexplained - This site is dedicated to providing useful and interesting information concerning extraterrestrials, paranormal and cryptozoological topics.



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