(Adapted from MOE Guidelines)




An excursion is defined as a day or an overnight outing conducted in or outside Singapore by teacher/s for pupils and includes picnics, visits, field trips, community service and educational tours.


2.      APPROVAL

The authority to approve such excursions is delegated to principals.



Teachers-in-charge must brief pupils on the safety rules before the excursion/tour.




4.1.    Parental Consent

4.1.1.      For mandatory activities (e.g. excursions, visits, heritage tours , field work, projects, community involvement programme etc) schools need not seek consent of parents or guardians.  However, they must inform parents or guardians of the activities (Please see sample form at Appendix 1).

4.1.2.      For non-mandatory excursions, the written consent of parents or guardians must be obtained. (Please see sample form at Appendix 2)

4.1.3.      Schools may obtain a one-time written consent of parents or guardians for a period of up to one term, stipulating the excursions and dates


4.2.    Supervision

4.2.1.      There must be at least one teacher to every twenty pupils for activities that need closer supervision e.g. hike, ropes course, adventure training, water activities.  No adult supervisor can take the place of the teacher.

4.2.2.      For excursions which do not need close supervision, there must be one teacher for every 20 pupils.  However, for such excursions, adult supervisors e.g. parents, are allowed to replace teachers as chaperones but there must be at least one teacher who is overall-in-charge.  Examples of such excursions are visit to the Singapore Discovery Centre, Heritage tour, visit to Science Centre, attending a talk, visit to exhibitions.


4.3.    Overnight Stay

4.3.1.      If an overnight stay is involved, female pupils must be chaperoned by female teachers/adult supervisors and must be given sleeping quarters separate from those for the male members of the group.


4.4.    Safety

4.4.1.      Destinations, routes, timings and programmes are to be carefully chosen with the safety of the pupils in mind.

4.4.2.      Boats end vehicles used for transport must be licensed to carry passengers.

4.4.3.    First aid equipment must be available at all times.

4.4.4.    The teacher-in-charge is advised to carry a hand phone.

4.4.5.      If swimming and other water activities form part of the programme, persons qualified in life-saving must be at hand.


4.5.    Refreshments

4.5.1.    The need for refreshments must be looked into.





For overseas excursions, in addition to the above guidelines for local trips, the following will have to be observed.


5.1.    Supervision

5.1.1.      There must be at least one teacher to every twenty pupils for overseas excursions.


5.2.    Planning

5.2.1.      A proper plan for each overseas excursion must be drawn up.  The form at Appendix 3 is to be completed and to reach ECAC at least 4 weeks before the scheduled date of excursion to allow time to clear with the appropriate authorities.


5.3.    Submission Of Application Form

5.3.1.      The application form at Appendix 3 is to be submitted by e-mail to :- MOE ECA Branch


5.4.    Immigration Requirements

5.4.1.      Passports, exit permits, visas and health certificates must be obtained as required.


5.5.    Insurance

5.5.1.      Travel insurance including medical coverage must be taken for each member or as a group.


5.6.    Accommodation

5.6.1.    Care should be taken to avoid hotels of ill repute.


5.7.    Conduct

5.7.1.      Pupils and accompanying teachers must be briefed to respect the customs and religious practices of the country they visit and exhibit proper conduct of themselves at all times.


5.8.    Funds

5.8.1.    Any raising of funds must have the prior approval of the Principal.

5.8.2.      The money raised must be used only to subsidise the tour taking into account the number of pupils going and the teachers on duty.

5.8.3.      Proper audited accounts must be kept of all income and expenditure.


5.9.    Rebates

5.9.1.      Singapore Airlines will consider a special fare rebate for organised groups of pupils and teachers (or in special cases, organised groups solely of teachers) for travel along routes covered by SIA.  All such applications must be made through this Ministry on forms as in Appendix 4.





Principals are to refer to Section B of the Principals' Handbook for more details on the Safety Precautions / Safety Guidelines.



For Appendix 1 to 4, please refer to MOE Guidelines.