Proposed World Wide Web Guidelines for Singapore Red Cross Youth
The growth in information technology provides new opportunities for the Red Cross Youth Departments/Units to disseminate information of their services and activities. It also serve as a useful platform for the exchange of ideas across the RCY Division.
The purpose of these guidelines is to regulate the web pages set up by various RCY Departments and Units. In the long term, the aim is for the WWW to serve as a platform for dissemination and submitting of information.
The complete WWW Guidelines for RCY consists of the following
The underlined URL addresses in the guideline is intended to be an active link embedded in the web pages.
The Organisation
The RCY Division Web Development Committee shall form the main body in planning and guiding the RCY Departments/Units in all matters relating to world wide web. The committee shall be chaired by an Assistant Director assisted by a District Development Officer and a staff of Volunteer Development Division. The members of the committee shall be a Cadet Officer from
- Cadet Affair Department
- First Aid Duty Department
- Information Department
- Training Department
- Unit Support Corps
- Welfare Department
Duties and responsibilities are provided for as per Guidelines for RCY Division Web Development Committee.
The Head of the RCY Department/Unit shall be the Officer in-charge for the Department/Unit home page. He/She shall chair the Department/Unit Web Development Committee and appoint the members of the committee.
Guidelines for RCY Division Web Development Committee (Division-WDC)
- The Division-WDC will design and maintain the RCY home page.
- The Division-WDC shall review and update the WWW Guidelines for RCY.
- The Division-WDC shall ensure the quality of the various Department/Unit web site.
- The Division-WDC shall advise the officer in-charge of departments/unit on WWW matters relating to RCY.
- The Division -WDC shall response to the emails and enquiry received through the web.
- The Division-WDC shall inform the Manager, Volunteer Development Division of all communication through the web involving the public.
- The Division-WDC shall ensure that active link to all the Department/Unit home page are provided in the RCY Division Web site
- The RCY Home page shall be embedded with a mailto: link such that all members of the WDC are informed of any feedback/queries.
Guidelines for RCY Officer in-charge for Department/Unit home page
- The Officer in-charge shall approve the set up of the Department/Unit Web Development Committee to design and manage their home page.
- The Officer in-charge shall inform the Division WDC upon setting up the home page using Form A : Notice of Home Page.
- The Officer in-charge shall vet the content of the home page before launching to ensure the accuracy and correctness.
- The Officer in-charge shall be entrusted to launch the Home page. Approval from the RCY Division is not necessary.
- The Officer in-charge shall approve for only one web site for his/her department/unit.
- The Officer in-charge shall take action against any other home page set up in the name of his/her department/unit using Form B : Duplication of Home Page without consent.
- The Officer in-charge shall be responsible to vet through all reply by Department/Unit WDC to feedback or queries except when the communication involve only members of his/her department/unit.
Guidelines for Department/Unit Web Development Committee (Department/Unit-WDC)
- The Department/Unit-WDC will design and maintain the Department/Unit home page.
- The Department/Unit-WDC shall ensure that the home page comply with the recent WWW Guidelines for RCY.
- The Department/Unit-WDC shall prepare two hardcopy of the home page and all subsequent updates. A copy is to be send to the Officer in-charge for vetting while the other copy is to be filed within the Red Cross Room.
- The Department/Unit-WDC shall update the Division-WDC on changes address to the web site.
- The Department/Unit-WDC shall inform the Officer in-charge of any communication through the web from the public before responding. A draft copy of any response to public shall be vetted by the Officer in-charge before sending.
- The following statement and associated graphic shall be reflected with a font size 10 on the home page to reflect compliance to the Guideline for setting up RCY Department/Unit Home Page:
This web site describes the activities of the XYZ Red Cross
Please refer to for the official statement and
information relating to the
Singapore Red Cross Youth Division.
- Content of the web sites must not contain any undesirable, discriminating or disputable remarks, advertisement/promotions/links to any organisation other than Red Cross or the Internet Service Provider.
- The date of last revision must appear on the home page.
- A link should be provided to the Singapore Red Cross Youth Home Page.
- The Department/Unit WDC must comply to any requirements by the Division WDC to edit their pages.
- The above guidelines are to be read in conjunction with the Guideline for RCY Officer in-charge for Department/Unit home page and Guideline for Department/Unit Web Development Committee