PITA is going to be my senior project next year *fingers crossed*. i'm a big fan of clever acronyms (other peoples - i'm not clever enough to think of any) so i coined PITA - Primative Insect Trainable Architechure (actually PITA stands for Pain In The Ass because my experiance with BEAM has taught me that's what my 'projects' always become - still i love it so bring the pain). the goal is to create a four to eight legged articulated platform (like a spider or ant) which could be controlled by tradional BEAM Nv's or the hardware NN's i'm learning about next year. hopefully the later...

The leg design i stole from Bas van Vliet's Simone project. i might even steal the whole design and just build a controller for it...

Jason, David and brothers - these updates are for you bc i think you're the only ones who read this, thanks. if you feel they aren't the only ones prove me wrong - Mail me Faulker