This site gives credit where credit is due. There are a large number of people and organizations or movements that we are indebted to.
Prime among them is Angelfire for allowing us the space to make this site.
We would also like to acknowledge that this site was made using Arachnophilia 3.9 Web Editor.
Dee Dreslough Hereby and Forthwith permits YOU: (The Vampire Hunter's Guild BRanch 13) to use my art on your web pages (both for and non-profit) and to create derivative products from this art (needlework, stamps, stationery, other digital art pieces, etc.) The only restriction on the use of this artwork is that you do not trademark or otherwise restrict other people from using it. I retain ownership/copyright of my work (but not derivatives) and ask that no one try to lay claim of ownership through copyright or trademark to MY pieces. They are for everyone.
We would like to Remind readers that this is a group effort and all contributors are listed on the members page We would also like to thank all the search engines that displayed this site.