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Vermont Icelandic Riding club

VIRC Calendar of Events

April - Equine Affaire in Columbus, OH. Too far for most of us in Vermont to drive to, but a FANTASTIC show if you can make it there!
(see on the web for more info. about either E.A. show or to buy advance tickets)

June - Summer Solstice Ride.
Fun, social trail ride over the course of two days. Call for more info.

August 18th & 19th - Vermont Icelandic Riding Club's 6th Annual Summer Show at Kenyon's Field in Waitsfield, VT. All ages, all Icelandics, lots of fun!
If you are not on our mailing list already, call Jill or Karen for a registration packet. There will likely also be clinic opportunities before and/or after the show-- TBA.

Aug 26th through Sept. 4th - Champlain Valley Fair. Vermont's largest agricultural fair, LOTS to see and do! - breed demos, horse barn. No charge for booths and stalls. Call Jill.

October 28th & 29th - Halloween Ride. 2 day fun ride - weather permitting.
Call close to the date for further information.

November - Equine Affaire in Springfield, MA. Breed demos, Icelandic horse info booths, drill team shows every night in the Pfizer Fantasia (buy advance tickets!) and a great chance to meet a lot of Icelandic horse fanatics :)

Christmas Party

Other events to be announced....

Anything else? Call and let us know!
