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Picture of the 1986 version of Heaven Sword & Dragon Sabre

1st Picture--In the 1986 version, Simon Yam played the role of Truong Thuy Son, Tony Leung played the role of Truong Vo Ky, and I don't know the actress who played the role of Han To To.(Left is a picture of the three, Simon is in the blue, Han To To of course is in the yellow, and Tony Leung is the guy in the back)

2nd PictureThese are the girls in Truong Vo Ky's life. Tieu Sieu is in the seagreen outfit(left top),Chu Chi Nhuoc is in the purple outfit(center), and Trieu Minh is in the pink and white outfit( bottom left).I am not sure who the girl in pink and white--right top is or the girl in blue--bottom right is--I think one of them is Duong Bat Hoi. I don't remember.

Third Picture--This picture is Truong Vo Ky and Trieu Minh, after Truong Vo Ky had jilted Chu Chi Nhuoc at the altar and Trieu Minh is injured by Chu Chi Nhuoc. Truong Vo Ky played by Tony Leung and Trieu Minh played by Kitty Lai.

Fourth Picture-- This is a clip of the opening, in the center and the only guy in that pic is Truong Vo Ky, on the top left is Chu Chi Nhuoc and on the right top is Han Ly(Vo Ky's cousin). Since it is the clip of the opening, it has a lyric of the themesong, but anyways on the bottom left is Tieu Sieu(played by Maggie Siu) and on the bottom right is Trieu Minh(played by Kitty Lai)
