This was a trip the Conglomerate took late one Thursday night. We dropped in at the well hidden entrance behind Miles and Barringer. Our plan was to note every possible subtunnel along the route to McBryde to see if they were passable, however most were not.
u1.jpg - tags galore, Cheese and
XriotX representing
u2.jpg - Cheese exploring a small subtunnel to War Memorial
u3.jpg - Cheese following XriotX while flipping the
Conglomerate stencil
u4.jpg - a set of stairs with a pipe bisecting them, and a
buttload of wires to the left
u5.jpg - Yellowfellow emerging from a subtunnel
u6.jpg - this picture shows you just how l-o-n-g these tunnels
run for...notice the mass amounts of pipes? Its no coincidence that this is one of the
hottest stretches.
u7.jpg - the Conglomerate takes its place next to the 1977
"Skull and crossbones" crew
u8.jpg - the Conglomerate is truth...
...there is no log of this trip currently...