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My Eldest Adopted Dragon
Lan' Quo
Here is my eldest dragon, Lan' Quo. I acquired him from the Adopt a Dragon site I strongly support. He is now being trained in the ways of the "Silver Flight", a code of living that emphasizes being strong of body and soul. Though Dar' Quiwl defends the young dragons in the present, it is rumored that Lan is next in line for the role of Elder God of Memories.

Underneath is the certificate of adoption.

This one here is named Mar'Polum. He comes from the regions of Polum'tha'dum. Being a native dragon from that region he grew up seeing the valiant teachings of the elven Polumian Knights and decided to live by a similar code. Though he isn't very tough now, Lan'Quo said he shall grow to be a fierce dragon one day if he continues following this code.

Poor poor Thelo'Nah...this little clutz was never much of a fighter, bent more on living happily with nature. Though he may not look like much, he does have many friend among the nymph and fairie folk. Along with their teachings, he has been able to actually speak with nature itself and all its animal servants. His strength lies not with power or physical build, but with the number of allies he has.

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