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A philosophy of Life
I was walking home from school yesterday on a cement sidewalk be the road to the south side of my school. Looking down I felt a bit empty feeling the concrete. The sweet voices of few birds around me were blotted out by sounds of rushing cars next to me. I was not thinking at that precise moment. For some strange reason I know not of my body could only feel. Looking over to the grass my eyes noticed the difference in color and texture instinctively; my mind forming the smell but no thought of the grass instinctively. I looked forward on the man made path that would lead me home and stopped, stepping onto the grass and continuing next to the sidewalks. For no apparent reason, I simply felt much better hearing the blades of grass scrunch under the sols of my school shoe. This all happened very naturally without a strain of thought. I did not even stop to wonder why I had done such a seemingly silly thing. It all seemed instinctive.

People go through life instinctively living day by day without pausing to some times wonder why they live. Do you live to feed your family? Do you live to study and get well at your profession to one day feed your family? Why don't you live in the present instead of the future? Why not the past? Why don't you go out right not and purchase a motorcycle? Why is it crazy? Why don't you know how to ride one? Why not learn? Why not live now?

Life has many questions, doesn't it?

One question you will eventually come across in a bar, home, office, school or anywhere is, why does life have so many questions? My answer is simple - remembering I have said my answer not having to be yours - and that is to confuse you. But why would life want to confuse you? Questions never stop, do they?

Life is an unexpected gift because we did not ask for it. We were chosen to have the right to live and become our own selves; to create something so unique it can never be duplicated. You are you and no one can be better at being you than you as Unamuno* thought. Your distinctiveness is one of a kind. A treasure - a gift. Its not a free treasure though, that is what gives it its value; what gives all treasure its value, work. Trust me, life will make you strive for that treasure.

Now you are given life and in advance - an early birthday gift. To prove you still deserve that gift you must work and fight all odds. There is just one problem, the odds are Life itself. We cannot work them with life; we must fight life instead.

Like a chess game, we are the pieces chosen to play by something above our existence and are thrown in to the fight of their lives. Now, even though circumstances may seem to be completely out of our hands its not. As the pieces, we influence the game. If I stand here, no one else can take my exact spot at the exact time without forcing me to move and then taking my place. We are not helpless. The rules have given us rights and abilities - qualities that allow us to exist in this spot now. The rules are set by life, as life is the rules. We simply play to show we deserve being in the game. When our time is done we are packed and put away in a safe place to rest till the next game comes and if we are chosen to play once more we once more play to prove we deserved the chance.

We fight life. Constantly. Never stopping to take a break unless we have earned it; fought for the chance to rest in our future, still enjoying the present. Nevertheless, fighting always even as we rest.

Life will make it hard on you trying to impose sorrow, regret, loneliness, and helplessness. It will always try to kick you down. Why? To strengthen us and give the chance to prove our worthiness.

So then, what is our weapon?


You can never fight hate with hate because your using the same thing that is hurting you to fight back thus hate will triumph and still hurt you. No, happiness is the key to beating life and whether you believe it or not live wants to be bested.

What makes you truly happy you only know for everyone is unique and cant have the exact reason for happiness as another. This is the reason why you must find your true self. Your happiness depends mostly on you and sometimes, in a lower degree, on others. The only one that can choose what true happiness is for yourself though is you because no one is better at being you than you.

What brings you happiness and reason to live life I call Religion. Religion does not have to be the common definition of believing in a system of spiritual guidance exclusively. Fact is religions such as Catholic, Christian, Protestant, Buddhist, etc are merely part of Religion. It gives you morals, values and hope you will have during your life but its not just your sole reason for happiness and living. Your wife, husband, daughter or son is part of your Religion as well. Making them happy and providing a good life is what also makes you happy. Therefore, your Religion may be following a Buddhist belief system, loving your family and perhaps other things that also bring you joy. Even those who have no religion but adore life and have found their reason to live it have Religion.

Giving into death is showing we never deserved life. We all deserve life though in our mind for whatever reason; its truly a shame to see someone give up, not because the poor dear suffer - that we all do - but because he or she was just as great as I; making it possible in some cases for their failed struggle to be partly our fault. Those few who wish to stop living, who find no reason to go on or who just don't want to fight have no Religion and its our duty to help them or at least try as living beings. We are all equal. No one is less great or greater than any other. We all have lungs, a brain, eyes, and a heart. It is a fundamental fact of life.

Some are lucky and are born into families who's parents had the chance and fought life for themselves and the future of their children assuring them a certain chance at being great in there own lives. Others are less fortunate and are born into families who must still keep fighting. It would not matter if we all simply helped one another by giving each person a window of opportunity to be happy.

The world now is one where it is very hard to strive for happiness disregarding economic standards. We have set these rules on ourselves. We close windows for our fellow men and women not caring for our duty. We need to make sure that at least once, someone as great as us has the chance to go on living well in their choice of standards - as we must first decide how ours shall be. We close that door out of choice though. We make life harder for our brothers and sisters in humanity.

We influence the game.

Or is the game simply using us as a veil to make its presence stealthy?

If we are used then, are we living life, or are we just pawns? If we are pawns, have we found ourselves truly?

The answer is that which we choose it to be. However, we must always keep in mind the struggle to achieve who we are and the struggle against life.

The difference between us and chess pieces is that we move ourselves. No one can decide for us what to do and where to go because once that is the case, we lose our sense of self and with it our happiness thus losing, maybe not completely, but partly to life.

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