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Events Update:

Youth Aware meets on the first Tuesday, second Friday and fourth Saturday of every month:

September in detail...

Saturday, September 26th (4th Sat.), Fill out survey -- Earn $20 CASH!

Parent/Child Center (11 Monroe St., Middlebury, VT) beginning at 6:30.

Youth Aware welcomes Diane Elze of Portland, Maine. Diane is administering a survey to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered youth, ages 13 to 18. She is paying $20 for the 1+ hour it takes to answer the questions.

We'll begin the survey at 6:30 PM, then around 7:45 we'll have pizza and everyone is welcome at that point. Those who filled in the survey will have a chance to talk about the process, and the rest of us can hear a bit about Diane's work in the field of GLBTQ youth.

There is a consent form that needs to be filled out, but it does not require parent/guardian permission. $20 is paid in cash after the survey, and she's buying us pizza. The survey is totally confidential. If someone is interested but doesn't want to do it as part of the larger group, he/she can set up something else with Diane.

PLEASE pass the word on to anyone you know who is queer and 18 or under. For details, they can call Diane, toll free, at 800-547-6177, then press 01 to leave her a message.

Copyright (C) 1998 C.E.
Andrew J. Campbell (Arching Crescendt Sun),
Youth Aware of Addison County,