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Why Talk About GLBTQ Issues?

I am not gay. I am not gay. I am not gay. I am not gay. I am not gay. I am not gay. I am not gay. I am not gay. I am not gay. I am not gay. I am not gay. I am not gay. I am not gay. I am not gay. I am not gay. I am not gay. I am not gay. I am not gay. I am not gay. I am not gay. I am not...

Vermont's gay, lesbian and bisexual youth are more than four times more likely to attempt suicide than other young people.
- Vermont Youth Risk Behavior Study, Vermont Department of Health (1995)

Due to current societal pressures and expectations, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and questioning (GLBTQ) youth in Vermont are at a significantly greater risk. The Vermont Youth Risk Behavior Study found that GLB youth are:

Additionally, GLBTQ youth are more at risk for:

The issues facing GLBTQ youth need to be addressed with repect and understanding. Youth Aware offers information in a way that supports each individual's level of comfort and awareness. We also work to reduce the isolation that comes with living in such a rural area and to make the resources more accessible.

Being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered is not a decision someone makes; choosing to accept the feelings and loving one's self is.

Copyright (C) 1998 C.E.
Andrew J. Campbell (Arching Crescendt Sun),
Youth Aware of Addison County,