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Text Box:   The USABB Rag  
Volume No.	I	Issue No.	2	Date 14/06/01
Free speech ahoy!

Hi everyone! Here�s the second issue of the Rag, and a first for many of our newer members. USABB has undergone a number of changes including:

A new shorter URL (

A new main page, with frames and no ad banners!!! (Don�t go there yet though, because it�s a little, er, messy.)(


A new poll. (See our homepage.)


Bad changes:

Unfortunately, due to lack of any participation, the USABB Rag Blue Chicken Award for Close-Mindedness will be shut down in one week.


That�s all for now, however it would be nice once in a while to receive some feedback from our readers, our maybe get some contributions. I get a little bored writing this entire thing by myself. So please, if you have a minute or two take the time to sign our guest book, post a message on the forum, or even just e-mail us with your ideas, complaints/problems etc.


Chief Editor Guy:



Church of Scientology

A church founded by an author?

L. Ron Hubbard founded the church of scientology in the 1950�s as a religion that tries to find answers to humankind�s problems such as war and poverty. Scientology has acquired quite a following among celebrities such as John Travolta, who coincidentally starred in the movie Battlefield Earth based on the novel by L. Ron Hubbard. Throughout the years there has been criticism and speculation against the Church in the form of books by various authors. Part of the Church�s Creed talks about freedom of speech and basic rights. Also, the Church is very action oriented, talking about giving everyone basic rights and stopping abuse by the government. This all seems very Hippocratic when the Church decides to censor the books that criticize them. In 1974 the Church of Scientology tried, unsuccessfully to sue libraries in Hamilton and Etobicoke for refusing to remove books that were critical of Scientology. One author who was particularly victimized was Russell Miller, whose biography of Hubbard, entitled: The Bare-faced Messiah was the centre of a debate in the 80�s. One example of the seriousness of the Church is seen here: The Sunday Times in London, England reported that the Church had attempted to frame Miller for the murder of a private detective. Not long after, a private detective hired by the Church, shot at a reporter. In the last couple of years the Church has also been responsible for illegal raids on peoples houses, as well as spamming Internet newsgroups. These outrageous actions are ridiculous and must be stopped.


L. Ron Hubbard, Founder of the Church of Scientology.

Spotlight Book

Animal Farm������������ by: George Orwell

An amusing anti-Stalinist novel, Animal Farm has been censored or suppressed in many countries including Russia, Hungary, U.S.A, in certain Islamic countries, and unofficially in Cuba. The story itself is quite interesting, a farm of animals starts a revolution and the animals take control. At first the creatures govern themselves freely, and equally, but soon the pigs become more dictatorial and corrupt. The story ends with the pigs turning into the humans that they once loathed. Because of the obvious symbolism in this novel, it was immediately banned in Communist Russia and Hungary, (it isn�t anymore.) In Cuba, �there are no banned books.� However, Cuban customs officials don�t seem to take a liking to this book and it has a habit of not appearing on bookshelves where it should be. The Islamic countries have a completely different reason for banning this work. Religion. In Islam, it is forbidden to eat pork. Since the main characters in Animal Farm are pigs that act like humans, the book has been banned. That said, there is one small catch: nowhere in the Koran (the Islamic bible,) does it even mention that the images or likenesses of pigs are forbidden, just the meat. This fact does not stop the authorities from seizing this book as well as likenesses of the Muppet�s Miss. Piggy. For some reason, the original introduction to the book was found to be �inappropriate� in the U.S.A and the book was banned for a while before a new one was made. To most people, this is an enjoyable read and an interesting satire of history.

Quotes And

More Quotes

If you have a quote, send it to us at: and please include the name of the person who said it too. (Note: we will also accept quotes that are pro censorship.)

So now, here are the quotes:

"The press is easier to strangle than to look in the eyes."
--Sir Winston Churchill

"This is slavery, not to speak one's thought."
--Euripides [Greek tragic poet]

"A censor is a man who knows more than he thinks you ought to."

-- Granville Hicks

Featured Short-Story

Return of the Evil

By: Albert Blake


Note: This story is a continuation of the story Dracula by Bram Stoker. It has been thirty years since Jonathon Harker and his friends killed Dracula and freed Mina Harker from his curse. John Seward and Arthur Holmwood are both married. This story follows the Harkers� son, Quincy Harker and his friends, the children of Seward and Holmwood, in an event that takes place when he is roughly twenty-three.


Telegram, Mr. Quincy Harker to Mr. John Seward Jr.

May 26th

John, are you still interested in our little trip to Transylvania. Please respond.




Telegram: Mr. Quincy Harker to Miss Ann Holmwood.

May 26th

Ann, are you interested in our proposed visit to Transylvania, for old times sake.



Letter, Miss Ann Holmwood to Mr Quincy Harker


May 28th

Dearest Quincy,


I look forward to seeing you and John again. It has been too long since the three of us have been able to talk together. I heard about your father�s illness, and I send my love. I have heard of an excellent doctor in Leeds who specializes in the treatment of such sickness, and I could give you his name. Speaking of doctors, our John shall soon be a practising physician he has taken after his father and says he will most likely take over the asylum when his father retires. Personally, I don�t see how anyone could possibly stand to work in a place like that. Well, �to each his own�, as they say. Father says he will pay for the provisions for our little trip. I will see you in Vienna on the 7th.

Best Wishes,





Telegram, Mr. John Seward Jr. to Mr. Quincy Harker

May 29th

It would by a crime for me not to come. I will see you in Vienna my friend.



And so the story begins�


Part 2 to follow.



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Published in part by: Drunk Dogs Limited.

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