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tough guy shit

What the hell happened to hardcore over the past couple of years? When did it become cool to be hardcore? Why are there so many jocks in the scene? I don’t know what the hell happened. It’s not like I haven’t noticed it getting this way in the past; just the problem is escalating right now. It really hit home one day.
My friend and I went to Worcester to see THROWDOWN at the Palladium. Now I fucking hate that place; they won’t let you stand in the lobby or outside for some air, even if you stand where they can see you the whole time. Even after they make you pay a ridiculous price to get in. They basically rob you, then don’t let you do anything when you’re in there. I fucking hate them.
The first band was INK CARTRAGE FUNERAL. They were all right, not too heavy, and had a member of BANE. Then BLEEDING THROUGH played. They were amazing! Totally metalcore, done right. It was fun. Next up was DEATH THREAT. They were total tough guy hardcore. Everyone in the pit must have been in FSU, or were at least trying to be that tough. There were a lot of dumb jocks that would just slam people into the wall. It was obvious that they didn’t give a shit about anyone else. Where the fuck was the unity? It was the same thing during UNEARTH, who is a Boston metalcore band. Now that is a band I have a strong bias against. When I went to see PHOBIA in August, they cancelled because they didn’t want to play first. Fuck rock stars. Next was THROWDOWN. Now THROWDOWN play tough guy hardcore with a positive message. They are a really good band, trying to send a positive message to the scene. Now nothing else during their set was positive beside them. After the pit was starting to be fun again, the fucking jocks took over and ruined everyone’s time. Just slamming people into walls, etc. Now THROWDOWN started to play their song "unite", and as the title suggests, it’s about unity. Meanwhile, my friend was one of the people to get slammed. He did what anyone would do, and pushed the guy back. Not a second after he did this, the guys just jumps him. He’s punching my friend in the head and dragging him across the floor. When he gets close to the stage, some girl just starts kicking my friend in the head! Then a couple of other kids start to walk over, whom I guess were this assholes friends. While I run over to try and break it up, security comes and picks my friend up and drags him out and makes him leave. They were standing on the bar, so they must have seen what happened. I tried to tell them that he was the one to get jumped, but they just told us to leave. This is another reason why I hate this fucking place. What they did was total bullshit. They didn’t do anything to the guy who jumped my friend. Now don’t forget that as this all happened, THROWDOWN was playing a song about unity.
Why don’t these kids who get involved in the scene, not hold the true the values it is formed around? Now all I know is that hardcore is about community, equality, and unity. It is about working together, not fighting each other. It’s about having fun, and most of all, it’s a life style. These fucking jocks that are taking over the scene with their idiocy and muchoism are ruining the scene. There is no room for muchoism here. These big show venues are also ruining the scene. They are putting a price on our lifestyle and putting rules on it when we are at their shows. Then they make you stand behind a barrier when hardcore is about equality and rock stars. We are the performer’s equals and they do not promote that. That is not what hardcore is suppose to be about. Hardcore is not paying $15-20 to stand in such degrading venues it make me want to puke.