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Political Links

anarchist facts
A Peoples Libetarian Index
Independant Media
Info Shop
Prison Moratorium Project:NO MORE PRISONS!
Meat Stinks
Anarchist WritingsGoldman, Bakunin, Zerzan, Berkman, Bookchin, Kropotkin, ect...Anarchy Archives
People for Ethical Treatment of Animals(PETA)
Heritage Forests Campaign
In Defence of Animals
Global Exchange,human rights organization
Refuse and Resist
Free Leonard Peltier
Enviormental Protection Information Center
Anarcho-Primitivist & anti-civilization articles

Hardcore/Punk/diy Related Sites

Lambgoat, metal and hardcore resourse site, updated daily
aversionline, metal and hardcore resourse site
profane existence
Skylab Commerce, diy auction site
diy auctions (fuck ebay)- auctions, message board, etc...
new england music
the flywheel, MA. show and art space
amoungst the ruins, diy punk resorce guide
World Wide Punk
loudnet, metal resorce site, record lable too...
metalcore charts
grindcore charts

Punk/Hardcore Distro's and Labels

Very Distro, best hardcore web store
Trustkill records (poison the well, walls of jericho, nora, most precious blood, etc..)
Havoc records and distribution (destroy, aus-rotten. tear it up, vitamin x, holding on, 9 shocks terror, etc...)
Revelation Records (shai hulud, youth of today, judge, fall silent, better than a thousand, etc...)
Hardcore Holocaust
Crimes Against Humanity Records and Distribution (remains of the day, misery, etc...)
Blackened Distribution
Clean Plate Records (orchid, pig destroyer, combat wounded veteran, etc...)
6x2x5x - thrash attack!! (spazz, WHN?, RAMBO, scholastic deth, crucial section, etc...)
Slap A Ham records(spazz, gasp, phobia, otophobia, lack of interest, etc...)

Straight Edge

striaght edge dot com
sXe, FAQ's

bands to check out

Band Links

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