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Keep The Pledge of Allegiance Out of Our Schools!

The Pledge of Allegiance should not be performed in school! The Pledge of Allegiance is obedience training and nothing more. Prayer to god is not allowed in school because it might offend a portion of the people. “One nation under God”, what does that sound like? The Pledge offends me, and the rest of those who see through the lies of the system, the government and their institutions. School time would be better well spent on education, not making a pledge to a material possession, a piece of cloth! The Pledge of Allegiance should stop being stated in school. If those who love their “country” need to say the pledge, it should be done on their own time. Just like how religion and school are separate, so should patriotism and school. I come to school to learn and to be educated, not to listen to a patriotic “pledge” to a flag! “I find the pledge to demean my education with lies. There are many of us who detest the flag and the pledge to it. There are those who just don’t even care or listen when it is spoken. Their time would be better spent with an education. I oppose the flag for many reasons. One of those reasons being that the money used to manufacture, make and distribute the flags would be better spent on food for the many starving families in Africa and other parts of the third world, the cloth would be better used to clothe those same starving, naked families. But would that be patriotic? No, being patriotic, would mean you would rather have the money spent on the flag, a material possession. So the children who are brainwashed by it will join the military and kill off other cultures and destroy our mother the earth. We should show unity towards other cultures and not just care about ours. America is not even that great. Think about it, you have to wake up early every morning and slave your day away at your boring job where you are not respected. Then you come home, eat dinner go to sleep, and repeat this vicious cycle. Why pledge to that? If America was truly free, freedom where i could go out and not work at an office or factory, not pay taxes and other expenses to live; not hear the sound pollution and the horrid smell of the air pollution that trucks, cars and factories give off; if we were not prosecuted for your beliefs but praised, than I would give praise to this country. But unfortunately that is not the case, we are slaves of this so called “democracy”. I can not stand for this, and I will not!

Stop The Pledge Of Allegiance Now!

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