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  Ex Student - Diploma in Management Technology ( Accountancy ) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
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How Israel creates images for Western Media Orgs ?

Dirty Tricks the Israeli Way How Israel creates images for Western Media Orgs ? WE EXPOSE THEM

Palestinian terrorists, courtesy of The Mossad. The Israeli secret service should teach its operatives to take off their jewellery first: e.g. the Star of David necklace. Notice too the white skin and designer-brand sunglasses -- worn, perhaps, to conceal blue eyes -- and the brand new M-16, paid for by generous U.S. taxpayers, as a U.S. correspondent assures us. A real Palestinian terrorist carries an aged AK-47 (Photo: Reuters.)

The Men above are not Palestinian at all, but Israeli soldiers, look again at the gun used by these so called terrorists..M24 Israeli issue carbine used by the Israeli Army as standard.

Beneath the outer clothing worn by these fake "Muslim gunmen" can be glimpsed Israeli uniform and army boots (compare with Israeli soldiers below). The rifles are Israeli-issue M16s. These pictures were sent to Reuters and Associated Press as well as many other Media outlets to portray so called Militant Islamists !


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