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Rebuilding the M35A2 Multifuel

Its nice to finally return some of the favors and advice that the list has given me over the years. Following is a list of suggestions, observations I'm accumulating while rebuilding my M35A2 multifuel. While I hope this makes your learning curve easier than mine, of course I can not take responsibility for your results. Research every step of the way, take your time, buy lots of pizza and beer , especially for any expert consultants, and mostly have fun. I'm finding that the job is nothing to be intimidated by, just that you need the time, a warm dry space to work, and a source of good parts. This is a great father/son activity by the way, esepcially when you reset the valves. I am very open to corrections, criticisms, or more good ideas....I'm an electrical engineer by trade, certainly not an expert mechanic. My other generic suggestion is to not go cheap - its enough work that it should be done right the first time, and the difference in money saved is not worth the concerns later on, at least if your truck is remaining a member of your family. While doing mine, I keep reminding myself that, as the truck is used in parades honoring our vets, so is restoring the truck a way of paying tribute. OK, so on to the points, in no particular order. I will continue to add more as I finish the project. Good luck to you!!