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How you can be a part of GMSG


Commissioners-  If you consider yourself a bit of an expert in a specific sport, and have access to resources necessary to hold an event, you may make a good commissioner.  The commish is responsible for organizing his/her event, and will work with GMSG executives to determine the most appropriate format.  Duties may include finding a venue, recruiting athletes (and coaches where necessary), referees, registration, and will generally be in charge of overseeing the event and resolving any issues which may arise. 

Coaches- Many team sports will require coaches to organize teams in each of the eight districts.   This postion will be an excellent opportunity for young coaches and current assistant coaches looking for a nice resume builder.  Responsibilities will include selecting the athletes for your team, coaching your team during the event, and working with your commissioner to learn and follow appropriate guidelines.

Event Host- This position is available for businesses which may be interested in hosting one of the events.  For example, an athletic club with tennis courts may find it beneficial to host a GMSG Tennis tournament which will bring hundreds of athletes and fans to their facilities.  Responsibilities include preparing the facility for the event, and working with the event commissioner to determine the logistics of the event.  The may be monetary compensation for an Event Host, which can be worked out with the GMSG officers. 

Volunteers- While all participants are volunteers, there are many functions where we will need manpower.  Office internships, Event Managers, and Event Staff are all examples of some of the volunteer positions available.  Volunteers may be used in more than one capacity, but we will do our best to allow any individuals interested in becoming involved with GMSG, to work in the areas of their interest.

Athletes- No sporting event is possible without the athletes, and these are the people who GMSG is most interested in becoming involved.  Our goal is to make it so any individual wanted to participate in an event will have the opportunity to do so, be it through try-outs, qualifying event, or simple first-come first-serve signups.  Any athletes interested in GMSG should contact our office through email, and check back to this website regularly to gather more information as it comes.

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