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last update . . . sundae.feb.08th.2004 theme . . . w-inds. ^^"!~*(cartoon ban =P) listening to . . . w-inds. _ W.O.L.(Wonder of Love) ~ layout = made with fotoshop ~

dean . dean _ duk . dukĀ­ sor . sor _ gan . gan

ma gayness hahaha @.@"~

lalalala... ho moon moon ... =.="~~~

info!!~ _SueSuz.aka.Chiki ...n lotz of nick namez...=____=" _nov.19.1988/ _cbc--fob _dean.dean.duk.duk.+.sor.sor.gan.gan dai siu goo por...laff like therez no tomolo~haha _SinGo-- mo crush wor hahah... _canto -- 1/8 italian - great-grandma fr mummie`z side is italian _C a n a d i a n _Earl Haig S.S -- 10eR _idol --> UETO AYA!!!~ _luvluv - idoL hai --> Keita Tachibana from w-inds. ^^~ _QQ--107154792

+ thoughtz +

thursdae.feb.26th.2004 @ 01:07 a.m. yiu...todae soooo damn PISSED OFF!!~ diu!!~ hui sik si la... sai yun tou yell @ mee for no reason... i can`t believe i like him AGAIN lor... afta all tis time... ding kui goh fai ai~~~ hui pk la...1 yr + 9 monthz la... itz not a good sign lor... ding kui goh fai!!~ yiu... go pk!!~ sai yun tou!!~ ugh... go pk!!~ go eat pooooooo... i hate him sooo damn muchie now...ugh... but then he felt bad about todae... so kui bay fan mee yell @ kui... but mee still soooo pissed off @ him... ugh... kui can go eat poooo for all i care... but mee yau ng sek duk wor... sigh... hahahah sillie mee soft-hearted mee =____=" ~

t o _ b e _ c o n t i n u e . . .~

Guyz~Alan . Albert . Adrian. Andee*Lo . Andee x 2 . Andrew x 2 . Alden . Anson . Benny . Benson . Billy x 2 . Brian . Canyon . Charles x 2 . Derek Wong . Derek x 2 . Dong . Edward . Eddison . Felix . Hin . hyojee . Ian x 3 . Jake .John . Julian . Justin . Kenneth . Kevin . Laurence . Leo x 2 . Leon x 2 . Long . Maso . Mike . Miko x 2 . Pita x 2 . Regis . Ronald x 2 . Simon x 2 . Terry x 2 . Tiger-Jai . Timothy . Tommy . Undy . Vince . Wilson -and- all of ma AI-GORz n AI-BAz

Gurlz~ Angelx 2 . Alicia . Audris . Candy . Carin . Carrie . Chloe . Cynthia . Deby .Doni . Doris . Erica x 2 . Eyleen . Gloria . Helen aka sakani ^-^"~ .Jackalyn . Janet . Jenny x 2 . Judy . Junnie . Karen . Lillian . Lily . Lisa . Michelle . Nancy x 2 . Natalie . Olivia . Phoebe . Pinky . Sandra . Tammy x 2 . Tina . Vivian x 2 -and- all of ma GA-JEIz n AI-MAz

sorrie if ileft outneone...
Current Obsession . . . ( i dun hav these... but i want them !!!) hahaha ~~~~~~~ . . . wants + needs~ b-day n x`mas wishlist (yr--2003~) ~ ~ ~ PINK = MUST HAV ~ ~ ~ * W-INDS. GEI ._.Concert VCD -- ~The System of Alive~ Tour 2003 ._.NEW SINGLE -- LONG ROAD ._.NEW ALBUM -- PRIME OF LIFE * Lead NEW SINGLE -- GET WILD LIFE!!!~ * Jap-Movie -- CAT`S EYE TOKYO^^!~ * japanese drama -- StandUp! * LEI WA LEH?!!!~--- >.<". . . *winnie da pooh -- pooh pooh ar >.< . . . * hair-cut. . . * webcam . . . * new glasses . . . * togo to japan . . . * new pair of converse . . . * adidas shoes (lui jorun special limited edition). . . * nike shoes (multi colour mid.high tong). . . * marc jacob bracelet . . . * D!oR bracelet . . * jacket ... * beams boy stuff . . . * x-large back-pack . . . * SuperLover`s ear-rings . . . * burberry jacket (da one tat kame has ^^!~). . . * triple 5 soul sweater . . . *long boots . . . * AE skirt . . . * buffalo jeanz with pink stripez on da sidez ^^~ * scarf . . . * to ...kakaka... ng wa leh gee kakakaka . . . @ to do list + reminder[yr--2004~]... ~ 07th = canyon ai gor + fai fai *ian wong* b-dae ^-^"~ ... ! 08th = p-mall sing k ... @ 11th = angel, dong, jackie, julian b-dae ^^~ ... # 12th = billy + jake b-dae ^^"!~ ... $ 13th = p.a-dae ... no skool ^~^v YAY!!~ ... % 14th = v-dae...shiett!!=________=" ... ^ 15th = NewS gei Kusano Hironori b-dae ^-^"!~ ... & 19th = Long + RayRay gei b-dae ^^!~ ... * 23th = KAT-TUN gei KAMENASHI KAZUYA b-dae ^~^v"!~ ... + 27th = Janet *ga jei missie * gei b-dae ^^!~ ... = 29th = Vivian Li`z b-dae (4*16* yrz old)^-^"!~ ... You represent... happiness.
You represent... happiness. Boy,are you full of cheer orwhat...? You have a
sunny disposition and enjoy trying to spread
your happiness. You have a tendency to be a
little hyper, but you have the ability to make
your own fun nomatter what.

What feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla
Sorrie..Currently UnderConstructionZ...come bac...LATER!