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Herbal Remedies


2 tbs. dried herbs or 1 1/2 c fresh herbs
2 c boiling water

Pour boiling water over herb allowing to brew for 15 minutes to several hours. Strain.Drink 1/2-1c 3-4 times daily.


2 tbs. dried herbs or 1 1/2 c fresh herbs
2 c boiling water

Add herbs to boiling water in enamel saucepan. Simmer with out boiling for 30 minutes. Strain. Drink 1/2-1c 3-4 times daily.


1/4c dried herbs or 3 c fresh herbs
1 quart water
1-2 tbs. honey

Combine herbs and water in enamel saucepan. Bring to a boil and continue to boil until liquid is reduced by half. Add honey and refrigerate up to 1 month.


Using infusion or decoction soak towel in warm liquid. Lay on affected area covering with a warm towel. Replace cooler compress with warm one. Continue for up to 30 minutes.

Mustard, Cayenne, Garlic, Ginger = Colds
Comfrey, Aloe = Sprains or Bruises


1/4 c dried herbs or 3 c fresh herbs
4 c oatmeal

Mix herbs and oatmeal with hot water to form paste. Place directly on skin. Replace as cools. Continue for up to 30 minutes. Do not use hot, spicy herbs. Used to draw out infection and relieve muscle aches. (For plaster do above but place within towel or cheesecloth. Can use hot, spicy herbs.)


1-1 1/2 oz melted beeswax or rendered lard
Herbal Oil

Mix together beeswax/lard and herbal oil. Store in cool place for 1 week.


3/4 c powdered dried herbs
2 c brandy, vodka, or gin

Mix together ingredients in a glass bottle and allow to steep, shaking occasionally, for several weeks. Strain and store.